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I am taking you to the present. And this is just actually the start.

Three years after Lisa's big risk of putting up Blackbird made her realize that she has now everything she dreamed of.

A house inside the executive village. A decent car. Secured Rion's future. An Ad agency and Film production house in one company with more than a hundred employees. She achieved her ten teams company goal. Clients that trust her company more than anything else in the world. Blackbird never ran out of clients. Brands are even willing to wait for their turn to be accommodated by Lisa's agency. She's well-known in Europe now. US brands even get Blackbird and work for their ads. Asian clients also try to get a chance. It's never an issue for each brand if Blackbird has already made a strategy for their competitors. Blackbird works fairly as always as long as they stick with their client's vision and mission. Lisa's company has been getting an award annually as the Advertising Agency of the Year. Lisa herself gets a recognition too as the most powerful Creative Director at Clio Awards. Not just that. Even her film production house is shining. She has now six in-house film directors but Kai is still the master among the filmmakers. Lisa prioritizes Kai especially when the brand is so grand.

Her life's so perfect in a way that she gets to see her son so happy everyday. She discovered a lot about him now that he's 8 years old. Lisa supports everything that Rion wants to explore in his life. He knows how to play the piano, the guitar, the drums, and the lovely voice he got from Jennie keeps improving.

Did you know that this morning, Rion's video playing the piano while singing Let It Beinside the mall went viral? The piano was displayed on the activity area of the mall by a famous brand. He just ran towards it, sat and started hitting the keys. Then people started to surround him, amazed because at a young age, he sings The Beatles song and his voice is indeed a lullaby. The said video taken by a stranger went millions of views in just a day. No doubt, Rion is so talented plus it's The Beatles. Yeah.

And you think it just ended there? No.

A lot of record companies reached out to Lisa if they can sign Rion up for a recording contract with a big amount indicated on it. But Lisa was hesitant. She didn't want Rion to be exposed to a lot of people especially now that he is only just eight years old. She's so over protective of him. But Sam told Lisa to ask Rion what he really wants to be.

"I want to be a singer, Da. Can I give it a try?"

Lisa just sighed and the thought of "like mother, like son" keeps crawling on her mind. It's Jennie's dream to be a singer that is now being lived by her son.

You know, Lisa couldn't oppose on what can make Rion happy. So, of all recording companies that offered them, there's only one call that made Lisa say yes.

The Richard Harris of Abbey Road Studios.

Mr. Harris has been asking Lisa to sign up Rion even before the viral video swirled on the internet. He has seen so much talent on the kid. Lisa just kept ignoring it and she's really scared of exposing her son to the public.

Lisa has this fear for his son. The world is cruel. She's just making sure Rion won't get hurt. But then again, her son wants to enjoy life and chase his dreams too. To be a singer.

Rion was launched by Abbey Road and his first hit single "Don't Cry", it's about how thankful he is to Lisa who raised him bravely all these years and it has reached the mainstream media right away. Lisa couldn't believe her eight-year-old son can write a song of his own. She helped him all along. Professionals guided Rion too with vocal coaching, the song arrangement and mastering. Until they have created a small album for Ri with folk, country, rap and pop songs. How versatile this young boy is. Ri chose his screen name too. At first they really wanted Rion Page but later on, they have all decided for just the initials RP.

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