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I started working five months ago. Salary is too low but me and my son are able to survive because I also sometimes work for long hours so I can earn more from the overtime job.

I deliver assorted products here and there. Drive short or an hour or 2 anywhere in London just to drop our goods in every doorstep. I got to meet different people. Customers who are rude, kind, snob and those who will really test your patience.

But I still continue to work professionally. I would even assist them when they open the product first before they send they payment online. Most of them give me tips. Sometimes I am really shy because some of them really give a huge amount especially when I help them to operate the products, specifically, some gadgets.

My job is from 10am-3pm. Ri's nursery class is from 10am-2pm. So I make sure to drop him off at 945am and be there at his school before his dismissal time and he would just come with me on the ride to deliver the remaining products for the day.After my work, we would visit Sam's bake shop. Sometimes we would dine there or we'll just say hello. Not everyday but it has been a routine.

Sam and I are getting close to each other. She's really a nice person. She loves my Ri so much and somehow it really makes me happy that she takes care of my son in her simple ways. They're too close. But me, I am so shy towards her sometimes. I don't know. Maybe it's the first time in so many years that I get this close to someone I consider as my best friend now.

We reached the point that I told her my life story. She's a great listener and really smart when responding to my words. She knows everything about Jennie and I. She never said anything bad about Jennie. She never judged my ex for leaving me and my son and never she did tell me that something's wrong with me that's why the person I have ever loved went away.

Sam is the type of girl who sees a lot of positivity in life. Every word that comes out from her mouth brings optimism. I love her ideas. I like the way she treats people around her especially her staffs at the bake shop.

Sometimes she would even come to our place and bring us food for dinner and we all dine together, watch a film and after that she's even the one who takes care of Ri and bring him to bed. She also volunteers to bring Ri to school in the morning and picks him up in the afternoon when I needed to work overtime.

All of those have been happening for long months now and as time passes by, we've been in denial that something special is going on between us. She doesn't only take care of my son but also me as well. The man who will marry her someday is so lucky. I swear, Sam is someone you can spend your life with without any doubts.

Hmmm. Okay.

To be honest, our body language makes people think that we are together. When our arms brush with each other or when we walk with Ri holding both our hands at the mall, people would tell us that we're a good looking family. But I never attempted to hold her hand. We had intimate stares and close contact scenarios, but I never took advantage of her goodness. I don't even dare to borrow money from her when I'm broke. She knows my financial status and she offers to help me on some bills, but of course, I never let her do that.

Sam came from a blessed family. They're rich but they all made me feel that I am welcome anytime at their humble home at London South. Her parents would always ask her to bring Ri and I on weekends when she visits them. They even asked me if I want to celebrate Ri's birthday at their house. But I told them that Ri's grandparents are coming for his birthday since last year they weren't able to spend it with us due to their busy elite life in Korea. I actually considered it as a blessing because if they were able to come last year, they would find out my poor situation here.

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