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It's been nine months that I don't have my son here by my side. I am not used to this. I really miss him everyday. Yes, we get to talk but video calls are not enough. Plus, I don't get a chance of talking to Jennie. Ugh. I wanted to see her but, she's really avoiding me.

"Boss, have you heard the news?" Reese opened up the topic when our client left the meeting room and we all stayed still.

"Hmmm? What news?" I asked while I'm typing something on my laptop.

"Jennie's selling Chanel. She thinks it's just going to sink in her hands. I got to talk to her last time. She's also asking me if I know some businessmen who is interested. She said maybe you'll accept the project if it's owned by other people already. She thinks this is the best way to save her employees." Rocky told me. I remained speechless when they're all vanishing away from the room.

"Lisa, if you need a break, just tell me. You need to unwind too. You've been so unhappy lately." Rocky peeked at the door again.

I closed my laptop and went to Kai's office.

"Hey, did Jennie mention something to you five months ago when you're in Korea about Chanel?" I asked him while he's putting on his lipstick.

"Hmmm. Yup! She's selling it. Because you're stupid. Lisa, please! Let's do the ads! I'll turn down some of the project you gave to me and I'll be the one to direct her TVCs." He said. I suddenly felt guilty. I let my personal grudge get in the way our professional work.

"Lisa, I know there's something wrong. Come on, let's go out and grab some beer and vodka." Kai just pulled me out of the office and we had a heart to heart talk over some drinks. I admitted to him what I am struggling about now. Of course, he knows. He's my friend. He talked about Jennie and how beautiful she is when they met in Korea. I am so happy to know that Jennie is bonding with Rosé and Jisoo too. Ugh. I miss them.

I went home and I am surprised to see Sam here. I thought she's coming tomorrow. She prepared dinner for us. I don't know why my flesh are becoming so sweaty right now. I am nervous and at the same time, I want to speak to her.

"Hmmm. Have you seen the photos I sent to you? What do you think of the venue?" She asked while we're eating.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I missed it. Sorry I had a lot of things to do at work." I said.

"It's fine. Wait, are you not feeling well? I have noticed you've been so weak lately? Are you sick?" She's worried.

How will you react if I tell you that I have been in so much pain inside my heart and my mind is like bursting, Sam?

Sam, I am missing her everyday.

"I'm-- I'm fine." I said. She looked at me and continued eating her food.

"I think we'll have the ceremony and venue just in one place here? More practical than having it in Prague?" She said.

"But my dream wedding is in Prague, Sam! It will always be in Prague!" My voice raised unintentionally. Shit. Lisa, relax! Where is this coming from? I apologized to Sam right away.

She stood up. Took some wine and she went to the garden. I closed my eyes and I am really having a lot in mind but I can't put those thoughts at the right place.

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