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I arrived at Incheon Airport around 8am and I really rushed to get a cab! Oh, I suddenly got emotional. Hello, Korea! It's been a while!

I messaged my son right away that I am heading to their house, but he told me to go straight to Chanel as his mother has a lot of meetings today. He also told me to rush because this guy named Robbie is again following them and never stopped pursuing Jennie. Ugh. This is not new to me. Maybe even if I marry Jennie Kim, suitors would still show up. My fist is ready. It's been a long time I never punched someone because of Jennie.

I told the driver to re-route the cab as some plans changed.

The moment I stepped out of the car and took my luggage from the compartment, I was amazed of how Jennie's building has become! It wasn't like this before. So this is why she's really aiming for the project to happen because this golden building has a lot of employees for sure. Jen, we will not sell your Chanel. I will make sure it will reach Europe as soon as possible and you will earn more than you think.

The receptionist stopped me from going straight to the elevator. I see unfamiliar faces. Oh. Maybe Jennie promoted most of them already.

"Please. Just tell Jennie right away. Tell her I'm her fiancé." I said begging to the woman at the reception area.

"But a while ago, there's a man who also said he's also Ms. Kim's fiancé." She said. Fuck! That guy is here.

I texted Rion to tell her Mom to call the receptionist right away to let me go up.

I didn't wait anymore so I ran towards the elevator and immediately closed it.

27th floor. Oh. Her office is at the top most of the building. Nice!

As I walked towards the door, I can hear their loud voices. Jennie and this guy are arguing. He's screaming at Jennie and my blood is starting to boil. Relax. Relax.

I opened the door and Jennie was shocked to see me. Man, it's true! We're having a baby!

"Jennie, how can you be so pretty and sexy even with that bump, huh?" I said.

"Who are you? Get out of here! We're talking." The man said angrily and I just crossed my arms. I winked at Rion who is sitting at the couch. For sure he doesn't like what he's seeing on this guy. This guy must be Robbie and he looked so mad when I entered Jennie's office. 

"I'm Lisa. And you are?" I asked.

"Robbie." He said.

"Oh. So you're the man my son has been telling me that keeps bugging his mother even if she's pregnant with our second baby. What can we do for you?" I said while walking towards Jennie and I felt she's shaking when she snaked her hand on my arm and she's leaning at my back.

"Jen, do you remember how I punched Adrian before? Your suitor back in high school when he said something bad about you? I really don't like when people mock you or shout at you." I said calmly. I felt Jennie's grip. I know, love. Relax. I won't make a scene in front of our son and especially now that you're pregnant.

Robbie looked confused and he's starting to move back.

"Rob, I am sorry. But we're already getting married." I said smiling and Jennie gave me her surprised look.

"Leave." My voice suddenly became serious. He did leave.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and I caught her looking at my ring finger.

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