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I took off my uniform as soon as I entered my room. Washed it in my bathroom because for sure, my mother will scold me if our helper couldn't remove the blood stains. I also fixed my eyeglasses, put a tape on the screw part at the side so it would still be wearable. Many times I attempted to tell my parents that I need a new frame but they always tell me it's just a waste of money. I always save up for new lenses every time my vision grade becomes high, but I just can't afford a new frame. It's so expensive.

I went to the tub and let my body soak in hot water as I thought of how unfortunate I am in life and how loser of a person I am. Why am I in this family?
As far as I know, I have always been a good child to them, a good person to people. Why is this happening to me?

After I took a bath, I found Jennie in my room lying on my bed. I didn't speak to her. Just wore my sleeping clothes instead.

"Come here."She asked me to settle on my bed.

She got up and took the ice bag and started to damp it on my bruised parts.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that."I apologized.

"Is he hitting you most of the time?"She asked.

"Because I'm a loser. I'm a freak as what he calls me when he's mad. I don't know what to do anymore. Since I was a kid, he was never a father to me. You know that. He always gets mad at me. Maybe this is just my luck. How I wish I wasn't born. I am not happy with my life, Jennie. I don't know what's going to happen to me anymore. I am just thankful that I have you."I said and smirked.

Jennie just kept quiet and continued putting a cream again on my lip and checked my body if I still have bruises on some parts.

"I'm here to listen to you always. If something's bothering you, you know I will listen."She said.

"Really? I guess, you should not know everything."I said and just looked down.

She held my chin and lifted it up. Our eyes met and here I am again, stopping my tongue to utter those three words I have been keeping.

Does she ever know how beautiful she is?  Well, I guess so. How many suitors does Jennie have? As I have counted, she got seven as of now. But none of them passed on her standards yet.

She goes out with each one of them but never gave a chance to anyone yet. She always tells me what she doesn't like about them. I just listen to her or sometimes we make fun of them.

"How will you go home? You want me to bring you home?"I asked her.

"My driver's outside."She said.

"Oh, good. Because I don't have money for our cab if you'll let me bring you home."I said and we just both laughed.

"Crazy!By the way, are you now going to prom this year? Don't tell me you're ditching it again, best friend!"She said as she cupped my face.

"Oh. No. I'm not going."I said while shaking my head.

"No. You're coming!"She's insisting.

"Jen, you know that I don't have money. You know I tried last year asking from my parents but my Dad just yelled at me."I said as I stood up and checked my lip on the mirror.

"Then I'll pay for your contribution fee at school. Then Rosé, Kai and I will find a way to get your outfit. Please Lisa! This is our last prom in high school."Yes, my best friend really gets what she wants.

"I'll think about it. You know I don't want you guys to worry about me. Besides, I need to prepare for college. For sure, Dad wants me to take up a business course. Need to pass the entrance exam at Howard Murphy Business University. So I'd rather study. I should get in or else, he wouldn't provide an apartment for me and my allowance. You know he wouldn't even give me a car."Am I talking too much?

"Blah blah blah! You keep talking! We all know that you'll pass that. Lisa, I would not even pass my final exams if not because of your help. We know how smart you are! In fact, you're graduating as our valedictorian! Babe, let's enjoy!"The happy go lucky Jennie is so insistent right in front of me.

"Okay. I'll go to prom."I said while scratching my neck. Trying to swallow my saliva because I got nervous. If I'll ask her to go with me to prom as my date, do you think she will say yes? No, Lisa. Don't ever dare. You know that it is a big no on your friendship.

"Ah! Thank god!I have something to tell you!"She's so excited, still hugging me tight. I have something to tell you too! I looked at her straight in the eyes as I wait for her words.
Will she say she's falling in love with me too? Damn! You're not even telling her how you feel about her.

"Lisa, Edward asked me to be his prom date!"She happily informed me. I retained my fake smile and happiness. The truth is, I got another stab in my heart.

"Edward?"I asked curiously.

"Ugh. Edward Lee! The campus heartthrob! You know you have to get along with other people too. You're just always with me, Rosé and Kai and with your books. You need to loosen up, Lisa! You need to enjoy! Get a boyfriend!"She said. Jesus Christ! If you only know what I have inside my boxers, Jennie.

"The fuck? Anyway, is that Edward your boyfriend now? Or someone I'll just punch again?I'm always having fun making your suitors as my punching bag, Jen. No need for me to loosen up."I teased her to cover up the pain I'm feeling.

"Oh he's not. But he sent me flowers last week and asked me to have a dinner date with him tomorrow night. Lisa, will you just please stop getting in trouble with my suitors?"Jennie's almost begging.

"You know that I love you, Jennie?"Oh, shit! Slow down, Lisa.

"I love- love you as my best friend and I can't let anyone hurt you."I continued but I failed looking directly in her eyes. She took a deep breath and snaked her hands on my nape.

"I am really thankful for having you. I love you too, Lisa!Best friends forever!"Yeah, Jennie. Yeah. Best friends.

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