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I am so happy that the success of our company is continuous. Many projects and brands are coming in. But the sad part is I always go overtime in the office.  It really makes me worried about Jennie. She's eight months pregnant now and we really have to be careful. At the same time, I am so excited to meet my son!

Honestly, Jennie and I had fights and arguments lately because she always wants my time. I make sure that my weekends are all just for her. But however I try to give her time on weekdays, I really couldn't control my work. I need to earn.  We're building a family here. I am saving up for our wedding and raising a son is not going to be an easy ride.

Jennie's always emotional and easily gets irritated. There was a time that I had to take a half day leave because she was calling me non stop in the office just to tell me that I should come home because there's an emergency. Of course, I went wild on the road, drove fast.  And when I reached home, man, she took off my clothes and you know. I am just injecting in my head that it's because of her pregnancy. I always make sure to make it up to her. I even just keep my mouth shut whenever she's being bitchy to me or demanding something that is sometimes out of reach. Because I don't want her to be stressed. I love her. She's my life. I would do anything for her.

There are nights that she would wake me up because she couldn't control her emotions and just cry. She would look at herself in the mirror then ask me if she's still the prettiest in my eyes. God! Jennie, do you really see yourself clearly?  Can't you see how sexy you are even you're pregnant? She keeps asking me because sometimes she would suspect me looking at other girls without a proof. I know to myself that I always make her feel beautiful. I even tell her first thing in the morning how she makes my heart beat so fast.

But you know what our most misunderstandings were all about? Her career. She's been telling me that she doesn't know what to do in life anymore. She's getting bored here in London. And that she has no idea what she's going to do here anymore after she gives birth.

I am just letting myself believe that it's still part of her striking emotions. But I know deep inside her that she wants to go back to Korea and take over as the President and CEO of Chanel. I caught her many times looking at her old photos. She would even check on new fashion on the internet. She has been looking back in her past self.

But what about us? What about us, Jennie?

As much as I want to go back to Korea, I can't. I won't have my peace of mind there. My parents would just push me harder to take over our business. My dream is here in England. I am just starting and I can see a brighter future ahead. But if it really takes some sacrificing for us to work forever, I am willing to give up my job just to be with Jennie. Even if it's hard. Even if that means throwing all my dreams away.

Ninth month of her pregnancy happened and she's already feeling some pain and discomfort. I actually have the right to take a month long leave to take care of her but it was shortened to three weeks only because we had urgent ads to be released as soon as possible. Of course, Jennie got mad again. She told me that I am not giving importance of her pregnancy and all I think of is work.

But at the end of the day, I make sure that I get to spend time with her. Massage her legs, make love with her and even scrub her back when we give ourselves a good warm bubble bath. I buy all her cravings. But I don't spoil her with too much sweets because the Doctor told us so.  Knowing Jennie, she would really get what she wants.

The day came that she's already giving birth.  Her water broke around eight on beautiful sunny day. I am nervous but I tried to be calm so I can focus on her. I just played John Lennon's Beautiful Boy in the car to somehow take away the tension. Jennie didn't have a hard time delivering Rion. The moment we arrived at the hospital, she immediately pushed Rion out when she was brought to the delivery room.

The moment I realized that I am in love with Jennie before was a life changer.
The moment I first held my son in my arms is like winning a lottery. Marriage crossed my mind again and I told myself, I won't waste time and should save up more so I can give Jennie the wedding she deserves as soon as possible. Because in my heart, I am building a beautiful life with Jennie and we'll have a happy family.

I won't deny, my tears really showed up when I heard Ri's first cry. But we all laughed inside the room when Jennie told me that he looks like her. Yes, he really looks like her mother.

The hospital staff called my attention for I have to fill and sign some documents.

There I felt that the most fulfilling time of my life is today.  It's the start of a new beginning as I give him my name. I am so happy! I couldn't ask for more. Rion is our sunshine.  He will be our strength and joy. And I will do everything to help him reach his dreams and everything that will make him happy as he grows up. I love you so much, son!

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