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I asked Sam to accompany me today for some personal errands. Good thing, her assistant Olivia has recovered from her fever and was able to come to work today. We first brought Rion to school to start our day and then we went to Calisto.

I talked to my boss and he's very sad that I am leaving the company. He thanked me for all the efforts I did for Calisto even it was just less than a year of being their delivery staff. I promised him that I'll get everything I will need for the office I will make as long as he will give me a huge discount especially for all the furniture needed. And yes, we made a deal. I will miss this company. I wasn't a big person here but the management made me feel each role is important.

Next, we went to the bank. I still can't believe looking at this huge amount of money being transferred to my account. Sam is so happy for me. She even said that if I need some more, she can provide for me. But again, I won't let her do that. Her presence is much more important. She cried when I told her about what happened at Mr. Richard's house after we watched a movie with Ri two days ago.

We looked for a place, a nice building in the city where I will start to build my dream. Sam is really a good adviser when it comes to considering a place for the type of business I'm going in to. She tells me what she thinks and she supports every decision I make. I can say she's a perfect match. She really is. But every time we reach our romantic point, I tend to be reluctant. I'm hesitant.


Because I am so scared to fall in love again. What if I let myself fall for her and she'll also leave me eventually?

She has been expressing her feelings to me that she's in love with me already. She makes love to me anytime my body wants. We give and take. But I am always honest to her. She knows. She knows that I care for her a lot. I love her, but it doesn't reach romantically yet. She understands. She never gets tired of understanding me. All she does is love me. If only I could force myself to fall in love with her too, I really would. Because Sam is a precious person. She's someone who doesn't deserve to get hurt.

But even if I am having hard time assessing my feelings for her, I never and will never intend to hurt her feelings. I always take care of her too especially when she needed it the most.

Sam has become my comfort; my peace.

So, as we drive our way to the city center, her friend that she called told us that there's this empty building, an unfinished one at Penny Lane Street. Wow! Really? Why does my life really have to be connected with The Beatles? It made me giggle. Sam laughs too because of this coincidence. (Sorry, readers, only Beatles fans will understand.)

We checked out the place and it's a 4-storey building. Not too big and not too small either. But this is enough for up to ten teams, which means, I can hire up to 100 people if God permits at the right time. It's actually a huge building for a typical Advertising Agency.

Sam's friend contacted the broker who happened to be her friend too and she promised to be here in an hour. We took our lunch first at the café just right beside my prospect building.

When Jane the broker arrived, I immediately asked for the details. The building is owned by an American soldier and he is just selling for an affordable price since he already put up a business in the US. Man, how lucky I am this year, huh? I asked if how much if I pay in full and he really gave us a good price all for the building and the lot. This is unbelievable. The broker even told me that this is a jackpot. We inspected the whole building and to my surprise, yes it's unfinished, but we only need to renovate a little. Wow!

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