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JACKSON: I am really wondering why you're not answering my calls lately. Is everything fine?

L: Yes, bro. I am just busy. How is Sheri and your baby?

J: They're both fine. We're all fine here. I guess, migrating now in the US is better than living in Japan. But Sheri is always worried whenever I fly back and forth to check on our business there.Anyway, about the family reunion with the whole clan, it's going to be a month from now. Have you bought your ticket?

L: You better rest too and spend time with your family, bro. Oh, about the reunion, I think I won't be able to go. I have been so busy. More projects are lining up.

I lied.

J: Is that so? I really hope you can come with Rion.

L: Even if I'm free, I am still not going. You know, I totally cut all my ties with Mom and Dad.And for sure I'll hear our other relatives mocking me when they see me. You know, they always think I'm a loser.

I faked a laugh. Yes, I am a loser because I am still jobless for seven months now.

J: Ugh. You shouldn't worry! You know I will defend you whatever happens. I really want to see you, Lis. Sheri and I miss you so much! You are not a loser, Lisa! How many times do I have to tell you that?

L: Maybe if I'll have my own advertising agency here in London someday, that's the time I'll be brave to face everyone in the clan.

J: So what if you don't have your own company yet? That doesn't make you less of a kind person. Will you please stop belittling yourself, Lisa?

Jackson and I talked for about an hour over the phone. I always ignore him lately because I am just avoiding to tell him the truth about my current situation here in London. For sure he would make a way to solve my problem. I don't like bothering him because he has his personal life too. I also do not want him to keep helping me.
I'm shy. And it will just remind me of how a failure I am. Yeah. Pride. No. I am just being considerate. My brother has his own life too.

After I placed my phone away, I opened my passbook and checked the bills that arrive.

God. How will I be able to pay all these? It's been seven fucking months that I'm a bum. It's really hard to find one. Still got no calls from companies I applied to. Sometimes, I would really wonder why. I have worked with big brands. I have made weak brands reach a place worldwide and be known and now they're all successful.

I took a deep breath and looked for another contact person on my phone. Mom Gina. I need to tell her something.

L: Hi, Mom! Good evening. Am I bothering you?

M: Hi, Lis! You know I'm always up to talk to you. Do you need anything? Is Rion okay?

L: He's fine, Mom. He has fallen asleep already. Hmmm. I actually called to tell you something.

M: What is it?

L: Mom, I am really thankful that Rion and I have you for almost three years. I really do not know what to do without you taking care of my son. But for now, I really need to cut some expenses. I am sorry. I am still jobless and upon checking my savings, I am running out of weapon already. Mom, I am sorry. I know you need money for your children's studies, but I really can't afford now. I am really really sorry.

I am really sad of this decision.

M: Lisa, you don't have to be sorry. I understand your situation. Okay. Here. Whenever you need someone to take care of Rion as you look for a job, my house is open for you and Ri anytime. Remember that.

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