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L: Hi Jen! This is Lisa. I'm picking up Rion from school. I gave Uncle Chester a day off. You want to come with me?

J: Hi Lis! Are you sure? If that's okay, then I'm ready. Give me ten minutes to fix myself.

L: Okay. Take your time.

J: Alright. I didn't lock the door. Just come in. Told the receptionist already to let you go up.

L: Lock your door! I can wait outside until you're available to open it.

J: Okay! You're still too strict.

L: I'm not! I am just securing your safety.

J: Hmmm. Okay.

Ugh! Lisa! Control.

When I hit the doorbell. She's so fast to open the door.

"Tea? Coffee? Soda?" She asked me. God. Jennie, why are you just in a towel?

"Water." I swallowed my saliva. God. Something's choking me. My body is becoming warmer.

"What time is Rion's dismissal?" She asked while pouring the water in my glass.

"Four." I said.

"Oh. It's only 2pm. By the way, where did you get my number?" She asked. Shit.

"Uhm. From Rocky. He got it from Irene. I'm sorry. I just thought you want to tell Rion tonight." I said.

"It's okay. Lis, what do you think Rion will say or feel when he knows that I'm his mother?" She asked.

Fuck. Why am I sweating? How will I tell her to put on her clothes first?

"Uhm. You know what, I can sense your son knows already. Last night I caught him searching you on the internet. I startled him when he noticed me. Then he keeps asking me about you." I said and Jennie looked at me with worries in her eyes.

"Like what did he ask?" She wanted to know.

How will I tell her that her son is asking about us.

"He-- he actually asked just one question but not related to-- to that." I said.

"May I know?" Still the Jennie I know. Insistent.

"He asked me if-- if you're my girlfriend." God. I'm perspiring. She handed me a piece of tissue so I can wipe my forehead.

"What? He has no idea about you and Sam?" She asked curiously.

"Hmm? What about Sam and I?" I asked her back.

"That her Aunt Sam is your girlfriend." She said. I chuckled.

"Sam and I, we are not lovers. But she's special to me. But he likes Sam for me." I honestly said and drank my water.

"I'll just put on my clothes." She said and went inside her room.

Why is the thought of us making love keeps running in my mind? And why am I walking towards her room?

I am inside her room. Shit. What am I doing here? I am trying to catch my breath but I am panting so hard.

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