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Everyday, I am so worried about her. She hasn't come to class for three straight days in a row and our professors were asking already of her whereabouts. Rosé and Jisoo have no idea too where she is. I never stopped calling her. I sent her a lot of messages daily but I got no response at all.

J: Lisa, give me a chance. Please. Let's talk. Please come to school. Let me know if you're fine or not. Where are you? Please Lisa. Please text me back. I am so sorry.

I sent another message for her today when I woke up. Hoping she would respond but she really never did. I reached school and walked my way to my class but I noticed my phone is missing. I went back to the parking area and gladly I found it inside my car.

When I closed the door and locked it, I saw her car approaching. She situated her car just a few meters across where I parked mine.

Her windows are not tinted and I can see her inside. She took off her sunglasses and put some eye drops and put her aviators on. She probably decided to wear contact lenses now as she's not wearing her eyeglasses.

She got off her car and I noticed a big difference on the way she styles herself. She used to wear semi casual shirt or polo and a good pair of jeans and her favorite oxford shoes that I bought for her. But now, she has this rugged and rock star look with a plain black muscle sleeve, black pants and a dark gray canvass boots. Her hair wasn't set. She didn't brush it up like how she wanted her pompadour would be. But now she is still slaying this dry messy look of her hair. Fuck. So handsome!

She went straight to our classroom and I followed after a while noticing women checking her out.

Yeah, they would open their legs for her especially now with this hot look and they already have a chance since they are not seeing us together anymore. I looked at her and I don't know if she looked at me too since she's still in her sunglasses. I sat beside her with my pumping chest. I don't know if she's going to talk to me or not.

"Lisa."I tried to call her attention but she's busy with her phone.

I can actually smell alcohol from her body. When our professor came in, she took off her sunglasses and I looked at her. Her eyes are still puffy and red and looks like she didn't have a good sleep for days or have just been drinking.

Same scenario while we took all our subjects today. She never talked to me. She never even looked at me in the eyes. What should I do?

After our last subject, I tried to talk to her again but she's talking to someone on the phone to meet her at the parking lot. She's probably the one she has been texting since this morning. I also approached my car and I saw she got in hers and waiting for someone inside. Then a girl came inside her car and they drove away. I wanted to follow her.

I got home crying. I am not used to this. Lisa had been with me. I am not used to us not talking to each other. Next day came and more days followed, she has been doing her routine. But I noticed she's bringing in different women every single day inside her car and go somewhere else.

One sunny day, our cars accidentally parked beside each other. I didn't miss a chance of talking to her. I blocked her with my arms leaning on her car before she can escape.

"Please just talk to me."

"Lisa, just over lunch. We really need to talk. Please?"And a lot more of convincing but she was just quiet and cold.

After our class, I tried more. I followed her. I took her arm and pushed her on her car door and I don't know why I kissed her lips torridly as I gripped her shirt above her chest. She did not kiss back.

"I must say, you might be thinking that I'm just after for your kisses and pussy all these years, Jennie?You know you could have told me so I would be more romantic.I should have stopped myself having sex with you for you to feel my sincerity.If you think by kissing me would convince me to come with you now and fuck you anywhere you want, you're wrong.Don't worry. I'm done.I got to go."She said and slapped me with her words without looking straight to my eyes. She was so cold to me.

Shit! Why did you kiss her just to stop her? She's probably thinking you're trying your luck just by seducing her. Bad move, Jennie. Wrong move.She left.

I didn't stop. I kept following her after class and for few more days in a row, she didn't take a girl from school with her. But she's coming every night to this club and drink her soul out until she gets drunk. I stayed until she decides to leave and I would still follow her to ensure her safety. I already know where she lives. A small apartment with beautiful exteriors.

More nights and I have seen her becoming so wild with women inside the club.
I am blaming myself. If I did not hurt her, she wouldn't be like this.

One Friday night, I am looking at her from afar while the strobes are striking my eyes and loud music hurts my ear. She's at the center jiving to the music and biting back with some women flirting with her. Fuck. A guy approached her and pushed her chest. Shit. This must be one of the girls' boyfriend. I need to do something. I know Lisa will fight back.

They're already having a commotion but no one in the club cared as long as they are all enjoying the music.

I ran towards her not thinking of the bodies I'm bumping to since it's too crowded. She was about to smash the guy's head with the bottle she's holding! Good thing I reached her hand and I stopped her from doing so. Because fuck, I don't know why I slipped my other hand on her nape and I kissed her.

She was surprised. We looked at each other in the eyes and my chest leans to her. Faces are too close. Lips and nose still brushing to each other. I took a deep breath and faced the guy in front of us as I still hold both of her arms behind me.

"I'm sorry. She's drunk and maybe she mistakenly thought your girlfriend was me. Sorry."I told the guy and he went away.

I faced Lisa again and she looked at me straight in the eyes with her anger.

She went away and left me inside. I still followed her and made sure she went home safely.

Me. I always go home sad. I never though I would feel this pain without her by my side. I miss Lisa. I miss her so much. I miss her laugh. Her voice that brings pleasure to my whole body. Her kisses that would greet me a good morning. Her hugs that comforts me. I miss Lisa and every single thing in her.

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