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How time flies so fast that I woke up one day realizing that my son is turning three. He's becoming very talkative everyday. And sometimes I feel like the best conversation I have in this world is the one with him. Always with my Rion.

I also noticed he's into music. Like he has his own taste. Every time we're inside the car, he would pick our song and really jam to it even if he is not yet fluent in talking. He would even point at my guitar and let me play songs. Beatles songs to be specific.  And you know what's his favorite? Well, like mother, like son.

No wonder. When Jennie was pregnant we all know she's been asking me to play Here Comes the Sun every morning. I would ask Ri if he heard this before when he was still inside his Mama's tummy and he would jokingly say "yes, of course!".

There was also a time when he went on my stuff and found my pocket size cassette player. Well, I have a few cassette tape collection but Ri is really having fun listening to it since the day I taught him how to operate it.  I even bought him a cheap but nice headphones. Cute baby boy.

Rion really takes my tiredness away especially when he hugs me when I'm home. Imagine a day filled with pressure and you have to squeeze out all your creative juices. But then here's my son filling me with love when I go home to him. No any luxury in this world could ever beat that.

For months now, a lot of changes is going on with our company. Especially when our boss died and his position was taken over by his son who has no knowledge in Advertising.  He's the kind of bitch you wouldn't want in your life. An unpleasant weirdo and a dull and harsh human being. I am not saying this to speak bad about him, but ask my colleagues rather.

Every week he hires people but also fires some. How stupid? Sometimes I would even question his strategies. But I couldn't speak to him with my honest opinions because he's taking it badly. He considers work stuff too personal that if it doesn't fit his level of understanding, he would reject it right away. How we wish it's the daughter who took over and not this son of our boss. He's such a pain in the ass in the office. But I'd rather keep my mouth shut than argue with him.

We have one project. A very special one. Why special? Because it's everyone's dream and I think I am lucky that it was awarded to my team. The Abbey Road Studios' new season project is now in my fucking hands. This is a dream!

After all the ideas we structured for the new season's theme,  I gathered my whole team and encouraged them that we will surely be great for the execution.

It's time for us to present to John, the new boss and the one I was talking about.
We all gathered at the conference room. My team has always been nervous when presenting to him and I am always the confident one. He has never rejected any ideas from my team yet. But before we got in here, Francis told me something, he's my closest right now since Rocky was one of those who got fired recently.

Francis said that Cher, our HR head, shared to him a very confidential information. The boss hired a new Creative Director which means, one of us will be fired. God. I hope it's not me. I should really do good for this project.

Ok. So when everyone was settled and when my presentation is ready, I cleared my throat and started to pitch our concept. I could see on John's face that he is not happy with our presentation and he always cuts me. I could feel he's losing his self-esteem because I always have a bullet ready for him as my answer. I am the type of person who accepts my fault when I am really at fault. Even how passionate I am to my job, when I know to myself that something won't work for a certain project, I would always ask and listen to my whole team.

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