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"Tell them now, love. I'll tell my parents too after we settled yours."I told Lisa while she's driving on our way back to Seoul.

After a few weeks we graduated, Lisa and I went back to Seoul. We planned everything. We decided not to tell our parents about my pregnancy yet. It's actually my plan. I just don't want my parents to be disappointed. I don't want them to get mad at Lisa.

And Lisa, I am encouraging her to talk to her parents and tell them that she's not going to take over their family business and pursue her dream instead. Again, Lisa didn't want to bother her parents anymore. I respected her decision.

"Mom, Dad, Lisa and I will be migrating to England. Our flight is next week and everything is settled.I hope you understand. I need to breathe too after long years of just studying. But I promise, I'll work virtually for our company. Maybe someday we can totally bring Chanel to the whole United Kingdom and you know, we might have a company expansion there."I explained to them while Lisa is beside me.

We didn't have the chance to talk to them during our graduation since we didn't want to ruin the celebration that time. They also haven't noticed yet that I am pregnant because my bump is too small and I wear lose shirts lately for my comfort. How lucky we are that my parents respected our decision.

Lisa got an approval from Jackson that she will sell her car so we can use the money for our daily expenses in the UK to add up. Jackson is very understanding. He offered a huge amount to Lisa as a support but she refused to accept it.

The day of our flight came. Rosé and Jisoo brought us to the airport.  Four of us were really emotional as this will be the first time we're parting this far.

Lisa and I were both amazed when we arrived in London. I never really thought that this city is as beautiful as we only saw on pictures.

Our house is just small. Not too grand but it's a beautiful home with minimalist and artsy feels. Just right for Lisa and I. The money she used for the down payment for the rent was from her car that she sold in Seoul. We don't have a car yet here as we plan to get one next month and still arrange a bank financing plan so we can prepare for our monthly payment. Just the right amount.

The day after we arrived, Lisa brought me with her to Skylar, the advertising agency where she will be working at and introduced me to people. We decided that she wouldn't let anyone know that I am the daughter of the owner of Chanel. Her workplace looks like a nice environment but we were surprised that people are looking at us strangely.

"This is just for this workplace, babe. Maybe they just hired wrong group of people. Same-sex marriage is actually legal here in the United Kingdom."Lisa told me.

"Does your boss know you're an intersex?"I asked her.

"Yes. Don't worry. He's ok with it. He believes my brain will be working for him and not my thing down there. It's just for you at home."I laughed trying not to make a noise while the secretary toured us around the building. Lisa is really crazy!

            After she talked with her boss, we went out for a stroll and bought some stuff we need at home. I started training for Chanel through online discussions with my father's employees. He also conducts an online meeting with me from time to time since I got here.

Lisa's job will actually start two weeks from now. So, she thought of a plan.  We should travel. One morning, I woke up with a gorgeous view. My sexy Lisa leaning on the window with her guitar as the sun comes inside our room. What a beautiful day!
She's playing Here Comes the Sunby The Beatles. It's one of our favorite bands of all time!

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