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School's fine. Jennie and I are doing great. We're both getting along really well.
It only took a day for her to sleep in her own room and she preferred to sleep beside me in my bed from that day on.

Living here in Busan for almost three years now is just easy for us. We're already like resident's here for a long time. We memorized the place and we even got new friends at school. But it will always be Rosé, Jennie, Jisoo and I all the time. We never missed a video call from Kai who is having a happy life now in the US with his boyfriend. Sometimes, I wish Jennie never met some of her new girl friends. They always go out clubbing; drinking here and there.

She never invited me so why insist myself to come with them? But I am always ready and awake when she calls me to pick her up. Sometimes I would follow her just to secure her safety just by looking at her from afar inside the bar. I won't let her go home alone drunk. What's important is she's happy and having fun as what she always wanted.

Girls? Well, let's say I was about to date someone. But the moment we were about to meet at a restaurant, Jennie called and she's asking for me to come home because she had a fever. I will never prioritize anyone, even myself. Jennie Kim comes first.

So yeah, that date never happened. I don't know why I'm really not into it.

Well, we all know. It's still her. I am scared of dating. Scared of falling in love with somebody else or even just trying to sleep with them. As I have always said, I only want Jennie when it comes to sex. As long as she wants me, I would never ever dare fucking someone else. Just with her. What else could I ask for? I have this pretty woman who has the hottest body existing in the planet. Those beautiful eyes that only make my heart melt. Her moans that own my soul in every way, in all her ways. Jennie's touch that makes me want her more. And lastly, those captivating smiles I get from her everyday.

Do is still need to have any other reason to smile when I already figured out I was born to love her? Speaking of that, you know how Jennie and I started to become friends? Well, in fourth grade, she stepped inside our classroom with her shy smile and no one talked to her. I lost my pen and I really had to have one because we needed to write something.

She's seated beside me and she noticed that I am feeling uneasy. So she asked me what's happening. I told her about my pen and she just chuckled because she also had only one pen that time. We agreed that she'll let me use it and we'll do it alternately as we fill up the piece of paper given to us with our bio to be written on it. Then we both found out we were born on the same day, exactly same year. So that's how it started.

We spent all our activities together whether in school and at our homes. And one day, I realized I am having a crush on her. A simple puppy love that turned into something serious as we grew up with each other on our side.

As I drove my car now going to a flower shop, I realized that I only looked at only one woman whole my life romantically. Jennie Kim. Just her. Never did I have other crushes or any celebrities to be addicted to.

Yes, today is our birthday and I am planning to surprise her. She thought I will be going with Rosé and Jisoo for a medical mission that her father put up in a small community here in Busan. We only greeted each other this morning because I got up so early like at five just to get her favorite chocolate cake in Seoul.

I don't mind the eight-hour drive in total back and forth. It's for my special girl and there's no room for complaining in me when it comes to my Jennie. As I have said, I am now on my way to a flower shop here in Busan to get her those beautiful big red roses that she really likes. Actually I just arrived from Seoul. Tired? No.

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