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"What is happening to you? Don't turn your back to me while I am talking to you!"Dad is in so much anger.

I was surprised when they opened up a topic about Lisa and it really pissed me off. Why are they blaming me for our separation, huh? Did they even ask me if I was happy in London?

I am having a peaceful life now. I'm running our business successfully. My name is starting to bloom worldwide. Chanel's reaching not only the whole Asia and UAE but as well as the US market.

But we're really having a hard time entering Europe. We tried but failed many times. Ugh. I am sick of how Advertising agencies here are being to shallow when it comes to ideas. There's nothing new.

"Dad, I am so tired. I came from meetings and Chanel events. Not now please."I said.

"You always turn your back to me whenever I speak about your ex.Jennie, I didn't raise you to become ignorant.Do you have any idea how adorable your son is? God! If your Dad and I can only spend longer days with him."Mom also spoke up and wait--. They know about Rion?

"You-- you know? Did Lisa reach out to you?"I asked. My brows fought thinking that Lisa invaded my privacy.

"Ugh! Did Lisa reach out to you about it? Does she need money for Rion? How much? She did not even respect my peace. Why does she have to tell you? It should come from me."I said angrily again!

"It's been two years you haven't seen your son. We're the ones who reached out to Lisa. She didn't tell us. We found out ourselves after your sister told us. She doesn't need your money. We went to London the time when Rion turned one.I could still remember that moment we first saw him, that's also the first time he learned how to walk. Your son's first walk that you're supposed to witness.Then just the other day we were also there to celebrate his 2nd birthday.If we didn't know, I am not sure if there'll be a chance for you to tell us. Why aren't you showing up to your son? God! Jennie, why?"Mom is very disappointed of me. She is already crying.

My tears fell while my heart is being crushed.  God. I did not expect it would be this painful hearing about my son.

"I had my reasons."I said as if I am not affected.

"What are you afraid of? Us? Do you think we will not accept you once we find out that you're in a relationship with Lisa? Lisa is the kindest person I know. She loved you so much since you were young. Did we ever tell you and Jisoo who to love? Answer me, Jennie. Did we ever direct which path will you take? Yes, I convinced you to run the company, but never did I tell you who to love.Or maybe until now you're afraid to show your true self because of what other people may say?"Dad spoke the truth.

"I am just protecting our company, Dad! You know if they find out that--."I tried to defend myself but.

"What? That if they find out you're not straight they won't praise Chanel anymore?Why are you so afraid of them, Jennie? We have you as your family. You have seen how we support your sister Jisoo in all her life decisions and her preference. Stop being afraid, Jen. There's more to life."Another big truth slap from Dad.

"I just don't want to be judged, Dad. I am not even too sure to myself what I felt for Lisa." I'm lying, I know.

"Yes, I loved her but there's something in me that should be guarded. You know how weak I am when I hear bashings about me. You know how my anxiety would make my chest thump uncontrollably.And you know how I want to build something for myself."
I explained. They didn't argue anymore and hugged me instead.

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