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Graduation came and it's my first time to see my parents being so proud of me. When I say proud, it goes like my father was bragging that he has a valedictorian child. Looking at him now so boastful on stage as he put my golden medal on me. I remember when I graduated on sixth grade and only got the second honor, he was so mad at me and even hit me with his lavish Louis Vuitton belt.

"Wow! That was impressive! Would you come at Kai's place later for our grad celebration house party? His parents will take a flight going to Malibu this evening so he allowed him to host a party at their place."Jennie asked me right away after I delivered my valedictory speech. Now we're all taking photos as a group.

"You know I can't. We won't even celebrate this graduation as family. You know. The monster won't allow me for sure."I told her as we laughed at Dad.

"I'll take care of it. And there's one thing I'd like to ask from you."Ugh. What Jennie wants, Jennie gets.

"What is it?"I asked.

"Dad gifted me a car. You know how to drive right?"Wow! I am so happy for Jennie.

"Yes. What is it?"I asked.

"I'll let our driver pick you up at three this afternoon. Then we're going somewhere. You drive. Then let's go to Kai's this evening. And tomorrow you'll teach me how to drive."She planned it out already.

"But--"I tried to say something.

"No more buts. I'll go to your Dad now and ask for your hand so you can teach me how to drive."We both laughed on that statement.

She walked towards my parents and I am just staring at how lovely she is.She has this power too that makes my parents agree in everything she says.

I am getting ready as Jennie texted me that her driver's on his way to our house.

I was wearing my shoes at the living area when my parents came over. Ugh. What again? Another scolding's going to happen for sure.

"Lisa, we talked with Jennie's parents. Looks like they entrust their daughter to you. We learned from them that both of you passed Howard's entrance exam. So you're taking up a business course?"He asked. I cleared my throat. This is the first time he talks to me decently without nagging me.

"Yeah. I'd like to take up Fine Arts. But for sure you won't allow me. So yeah, I'll take up Business Management as you wish."I said while tying my laces.

"Also, we agreed with them that you and Jennie will be living in one apartment. They really can't trust their daughter to live alone. They want you to be with her."My world stopped. Of course, I didn't make it obvious.

"I believe her sister Jisoo is at Howard's too for a year now and she has an apartment of her own. Why won't she stay there?"I know to myself that the siblings are not close to each other. In fact, Kai, Rosé and I know Jisoo's secret that Jennie has no idea about.

"Jisoo doesn't want her sister to be with her. They told me Jennie wants to be with you too.We'll arrange the payment for four years. I'll also give you your allowance for the whole four years. Just let us know if you need extra for your books and projects. Your Mom will buy you new set of clothes and shoes too. Okay?"What on earth has ever happened to my Dad? Am I hearing him right? This is impossible!  What did he eat?

"Can you just give me money and I'll be the one to buy those clothes? I'll let Jennie choose for me. You know, her fashion sense is really amazing."I suggested and they agreed.

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