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I took my guitar and plucked some melody. Just random music as I watch those leaves swayed by the air outside through my window.

"Lisa!"God. Jennie startled me.

"Jennie, you-- ugh!"I placed the guitar down and shook my head.

"Why are you here?"I asked. She opened my cabinet, took my bag and placed some clothes inside.

"Jennie, what are you doing?"I sound curious.

"We're going to the beach with Kai, Rosé and some other batch mates. Let's go!"She said and pulled my hand.

"Wait! I haven't eaten my lunch yet. Dad won't allow me too."I said.

"Your family's eating lunch downstairs? Why didn't you eat with them?"She asked.

"Ugh. As if you don't know that they don't like me to be with them on the table.They don't even invite me so I'd rather have my lunch later."I said and I saw sadness on Jennie's eyes.

"Let's pass by McDonald's? And I already asked your father about this short vacation and he agreed that you come with me. We'll be back day after tomorrow. Lisa, let's have fun before we go to Busan!"Jennie's really got the power to convince my parents effortlessly.

The beach is a two-hour drive away from Seoul. Somehow Jennie made me happy for taking me out from the house.  We actually arrived at the beach around 6pm as Jennie and I went somewhere. Hmmm. Somewhere without any cars passing by.  I think you already get what I'm saying.

Call me stupid but I just can't say no to her when she needs it. Looks like the group has already arrived earlier. Kai is with his boyfriend and some of our mates with their special someone too. I found Rosé and I approached her. She doesn't look fine.

"Hey. Are you okay?"I asked.

"Yeah. Jisoo was here. We came here yesterday. She just left when she heard her sister's coming."She said. I hugged her tight and rubbed her back.

"Everything's going to be fine. In time, all will be worth it. What's important is you and Jisoo know what matters in your lives. Cheer up! I brought my guitar with me."I said and she got excited.

We joined the group as it got darker. I sat beside Jennie and snaked my arm on her waist but I was surprised when she took it away in an instant and even her voice raised when she told me to not hold her like that.

"Lis, we have some mates. I'm shy."I swallowed my pain and just nodded at her.

I actually took off my jacket and let her wear it. The bonfire couldn't warm the surroundings enough. Then I moved a little more far from her.  Kai and Rosé looked at me and just shook their head. I know how sad they are for me. No. They're disappointed.

While everyone's having fun, I decided to take a walk along the shore. Took a deep breath and just closed my eyes and feel the cold breeze. Then something crossed my mind. A question.

Do you think it's the right decision that you'll live with Jennie in Busan? Honestly, I'm both afraid and excited. I don't know. As if I have a choice when my parents decided for me.

I rubbed my arms and crossed it on my chest. Suddenly, she's shouting my name to stop.

"Yes?"I asked. She joined me walking slow.

"Lis, I'm sorry. I hope you understand. You know sometimes it just gets a little awkward when we're clinging to each other around other people. I am not comfortable."Deep inside my head I wanted to ask her why is she fucking with me literally.But because I love her, I just nodded.

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