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After a week, I still couldn't forget every detail that happened to us when we made love. It was beautiful! I even feel like I was reborn. My mood is always in good state. Our friends would even notice and tell me there's something in me and that I'm like glowing.

J: Come over.

L: Hi Jen! Good morning to you! What's for the day?

J: Just come here. I need more driving lessons. Please?

L: Okay! Let me finish pack some of my stuff first. By the way, can I ask a favor?

J: Alright. Make it fast. What is it?

L: Will you join me shopping? You know how bad I am when it comes to fashion style. I need you! Plus, I need to cut my hair. Would you like to come with me and choose my hairstyle? It's growing so fast.

J: No problem with that. Hmmmm. Lisa? I have something to tell you.

L: Yes, Jennie?

J: What happened that night...

Oh shit. I'm nervous. Why couldn't she complete her sentence?

L: What about that?

J: I couldn't get it off my head. I have been thinking about it for how many nights now. Hmmm.

You're not alone Jennie!

L: And?

J: Just come over please? I miss you.

And she made me smile! I hurriedly took a bath and put on my clothes that I just grabbed out of my cabinet. Made sure I have a protection with me on my wallet.

L: Coming!

I greeted her parents the moment I arrived at their house. They just let me go straight up to Jennie's room.

She immediately opened the door when I knocked. We've been best friends for six years but this is the first time my chest pumped so hard when I saw her in a sexy silk sleeping dress. She is so sexy. Really really sultry!

She locked the door when I got in and stood straight in front of me, crossing her arms on her chest. We looked at each other with desire. She brushed her hair up while checking me out and bit her lip.

I rubbed my palms on the side of my shorts because I honestly went frozen just by looking at her. I don't know what to do next. Until she pulled my shirt so I can come closer to her and she smashed my lips with kisses that took my breath away.

She took my shirt off and I couldn't control anymore but to hold her waist tighter. She pushed me on the wall and went down on me. Fuck! It's my first tome to get blown.

And we made love again on her bed after that mind-blowing suck. It was so intense. And I wish her parents won't hear any of our noise.

I pulled out slowly when we reached the height. I was about to lie down beside her but she pulled me and kissed me like she just wants to own me for the rest of her life. I looked at her eyes while tracing her face with my finger.

"Do you know you're the prettiest girl for me?"I asked her whispering.

"You've been telling me that since we're in fourth grade."She said in her sexy voice and chuckled.

"Lisa, I have been getting used to this. I mean, I am looking for you whenever I feel hot. The thought of us having sex keeps crawling in my mind."She confessed.

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