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Lisa and I? Still the same. She's cold to me. Not coming to school sometimes. I would even bring her our notes for her to catch up. Good thing she's naturally smart and still managed to pass all our exams. I would even make her projects because she forgets most of the time. Good about her too was when we had to finish our thesis and she's cooperative. She's even the one who did the defense in front of the panel. But same thing as usual, she doesn't approach me first. But she never turned her back to me anymore when I talk to her. She's just being cold and too short with her words.

I still go to her place and clean all her mess. I don't even know why I'm doing this.
All I want is for her to forgive me and for us to be okay. And most of all, I care for her. I am not even sure if we'll be back to normal.

What's normal Jennie? You two are best friends. So what? Fuck again?

Now at my balcony, I swipe my phone left and right and realize I still have our photos on my gallery. God. I really miss her so much. I smiled realizing how beautiful we are together. And upon seeing our sweet moments, one thing came inside my mind. We're like a couple. Who am I kidding when I used to deny her to people?

There's this wanting in me to drive and go to her place now and ask her to be mine. They are right.  Distance will really make you realize a lot of things. I messaged her. I actually sent her first a photo of us in which she kisses my cheek as I eat the ice cream she bought for me at the park two years ago.

L: I really look decent on that picture and you are so pretty. Still very pretty now.

I smiled that she replied fast.

J: How are you?

L: I'm good. I just finished a meeting with my boss from London. So yeah, I will pursue the position after graduation.

Shit. She's really going. Should I still ask her to be mine? Are we going to work because of the distance? Will she ever be loyal to me knowing she has been tripping around with different women lately?

J: Wow! Congratulations! I am happy for you! I think we should celebrate. Want me to come over?

L: Oh. I would love to. But I'm sorry, Jen. Someone's on her way coming over and I think in a few minutes she'll arrive.

Ouch! The Lisa I used to have in my arms prioritized me. This is life, Jen. You're even the one who made her realize she shouldn't surround her world around you. I did not respond anymore and I just went to bed and sleep.

Five months from now we are graduating from college and I am so happy that Lisa and I maintained to be on the Dean's List since we're in freshmen. But I noticed she has been absent lately. Three days straight and she's not appearing in classes nor responding to my messages and calls.

I went to her place hoping I won't arrive hearing moans again as I have always been experiencing that. I am just hoping she uses protection most of the time. I entered her room and she's lying in bed.

"Lisa, you left your gate and doors open again! What's with you?"I scolded her.

She turned around and faced me. God.  Why is she so pale and pushing her hand on her tummy?

"I just took my food delivery a while ago. Forgot to lock. Sorry."She said trying to get up.

I panicked and went to sit on her bed. Checked her skin, and damn, she has fever.

"What happened? Why didn't you call me? How long have you been sick? Tell me what you're going through."I am so nervous right now. She is so hot.

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