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I can say that I am loving my job now. It's not the one I dreamed of but I am happy that I feel the contentment in me of what I have. Seeing our customers happy receiving their products is fulfilling. Especially when sometimes I get to interact with them if they have questions and I know the solution about the product because some of those were the ones I created an ad for before.

I am on my way to my last destination for the day. It's in the East so I have to travel an hour to get there. I called Sam that I will be a little late for our movie date with Rion. She told me that it's fine and I should focus on the road. She prepared herself to pick up Rion from school.

I arrived at the address. A big luxurious house. Took the product at the backseat. A hard drive. A newly released portable drive with advance functions. I also got to make a creative plan for this product before I got fired from the agency. My ad really introduced this brand successfully when they only released this months ago after long years of preparation, huh.

The guard inspected me, took my driver's license and let me enter the wide gates.

As soon as I reach the tall door, the helper took the package from me and I told her if the owner has time, he should open and try it so if there's a defect, I can automatically ask for a replacement from the main office.

"Mr. Harris wants you to come in. He's an old soul and not really an expert when it comes to tech devices. Maybe you can help him operate the hard drive."After twenty minutes of waiting, the helper asked me to come in. Wait. Harris? I'm at a Harris' residence? Is he related to someone I know? But the package was named to a different person. Hmmmm. Maybe he just wants to keep his privacy sheltered.

As I got in, I am amazed of the whole design of the house. It's really the grandest and stylish you will ever see in your whole life! The helper led me to a room, actually, it's like an office. I could not even touch the door handle as it looks like it has diamonds on it. Really prestigious.

"It's okay. Mr. Richard Harris is not what people think he is. He is the best man you'll ever know whole your life."She said and my eyes widened in surprise.


Richard Harris is the one and only owner of Abbey Road Studios! And not only that. He is the man of the hour as he is also the new Chairman of Louis Vuitton for two years now. He bought it when the original owners decided to stop doing business.

I got in and I can only see his forehead above the computer blocking his face. Then he looked at me. I froze.

"Hey. Are you okay? Hmmm. Come over here. I'm really sorry if I am taking too much of your time. I am really not into this new technology on computer gadgets. I only know how to listen to music and be stylish."He said while laughing.

I approached him shyly and he described to me the problem. I unplugged and plugged back the hard drive, looked at the properties and changed something on the settings and format. I also asked him if he wants the hard drive to have a lock code and he was surprised to know that it has this feature.

I stepped back and let him encode all his personal information. He looked at me and he's really impressed.

"How did you know all these? It's not even on the manual. Take a seat first. I'll let Georgia bring you something in here. Juice? Soda? Coffee?"He asked.

"Juice is fine, Sir. Thank you so much."I said and still really shy.

"Okay. Let's add some macaroons to that."He then called someone from his kitchen on the phone.

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