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From the day we told Rion the truth, Jennie would always take him somewhere. Now that Jennie has a car in London, both of them went to road trips on weekends and anywhere they want to go every after school hours.

Most of the time, Jennie asks persmission from me if she can take Rion at her place and he spends the night with his Mom. Jennie is very hands on. She would even guide Rion on his assignments but most of the time they really talk about life. Jennie updates me from time to time. She doesn't want me to worry about my son. I told her that I trust her and she has all the right.

Now, Rion is with me. Jennie has to meet some people so she can start building her Chanel HQ here in London. She're really serious. I know she's not only doing this because she wants to expand Chanel in Europe. I know that the main reason is her son.

My phone rang and it's an unknown number.

I answered it because it doesn't stop calling me. I usually do not answer phone calls from people that I do not know.

Oh, shoot! It's Rion's Doctor.

God. I forgot that today is his schedule. Shucks. I am nervous.

I don't know who to call. Uncle Chester is not feeling well right now. Mom Gina is not available because she's still at the province. I tried to ask his son whom I hired a year ago right after he graduated as one of my Copywriters. But I forgot that I assigned him to a big project and they're on a shoot right now.


Man, he's in one of my projects' shoot too.

I dialed Jennie's number.

J: Yes, Lis?

L: Jen, I have a problem.

J: What? Tell me. Let's fix it.

L: Rion. He needs to see the Doctor now.

She panicked on the phone.

J: What happened to my son? Please tell me right away, Lisa. Wait.

I heard she's now cancelling her meeting.

J: I'm coming.

Swift as a horse. Jennie arrived at my house in just thirty minutes. She's screaming all over the house looking for her son. Rion is upstairs changing clothes.

Jennie, why are you so gorgeous?

"I am really sorry to disturb you. God. I don't have a choice anymore, Jen. Your-- today is your son's schedule for circumcision."
I said nervously and I looked down.

She laughed so hard!

"Lisa! I was so scared! Oh, my god! I thought something happened to Ri. Okay. I get it. But come with us. Until now, Lis? Really? Face your fears." She said.

Yes, I am afraid of hospitals. When Jennie gave birth I actually passed out on the last day we were at the hospital.  Okay. Secret revealed.

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