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Lisa's been avoiding me inside Kai's house. Maybe she's so shy now because of her honesty earlier. Hmmm. About that. I actually do not know what I felt when shew as so honest telling me that I'm the one she wants to sleep with. She's my best friend. But she is still a woman in my eyes. And uhm-. What if my feelings grow into something called love towards her? Something romantic. I won't be able to take if people will mock me that I am in a relationship with a woman. An intersex.

What will I be called? Will I be ready for it? Ugh. I am so confused.

"Girl, is there something wrong between you and Lisa? You came together here but you two look so aloof to each other. Hmmm?"Kai asked me with her drag queen look.

"Nothing. We're fine, Kai. Where's Rosé?"I asked.

"Behind you!"I turned my back and here's our Rosé girl so gorgeous in her black dress while holding her cocktail drink in a sexy glass that sends stunning light spark to her necklace's pendant.

Hmmmm. That looks familiar.

"Hey, girl! Nice necklace, huh? Is that from Chanel? I believe my sister Jisoo got that one too from our newly produced Spring collection!"I said and she accidentally spilled her drink. I helped her wipe her dress and gave her more tissue.

"I'll just go to the restroom, Jen."She said and Kai accompanied her. What's wrong with Rosé?

Meanwhile, I looked at Lisa from afar while she's playing beer pong. Looks like people are surrounding them. Probably she's having a nice competition with one of our batch mates.

I took some food and put in a plate for her. Went beside her and offered her to eat.

"Thank you, Jen. You really know when I'm hungry!"She said as she drank the cup of beer.

"Are you winning?"I asked.

"Ugh. I'm losing! I'm afraid there will be a dare if I lose this round again."She said and I just chuckled.

"Ready for the dare, Lisa?"Xerces challenged her as he prepared to throw the ping pong ball on Lisa's one last cup.

And there, Lisa lost again!

"You're just lucky I haven't changed my eyeglasses' lenses yet!"Lisa said and I looked at her eyeglasses with a tape that serves as a screw that connects the temple to the rim so she can still wear it.

"Let's get you a new eyeglass before we go to Busan. Okay?"I said and she nodded.

I fed her with the food I brought and I noticed people were giggling with our sweetness. Well, this is how we have been treating each other ever since because we're best friends. Duh!

"Lisa, stop eating real food and be ready for our dare."Xerces called her attention again.

I stepped back, leaned on the wall just a few steps away from them and crossed my arms while watching people cheering for Lisa's dare.

"Ugh. We graduated already and if it's about school, you know I can't help you with that anymore, Xerces."Lisa said as she chugged her beer.

Even how they try to get Lisa drunk, they couldn't. Her beer tolerance is so high.

"Who said it's going to be about school? Since I have noticed that those girls who are having a crush on you sincefreshmen are here, we'd all like to know if-- if there's someone you would like to kiss here now, go and kiss her!Girls, you all ready?"Our eyes went wide on Xerces' dare.

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