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Lisa and I visited our University so we can officially enroll ourselves. We are classmates in all of our subjects since both took the same course.

Here's what I have been telling you. Do you know why it was so easy for us to process everything? This lady in her 20s at the registrar prioritized Lisa at the payment lane and she even flirted with my best friend. She asked for her number but Lisa said she can't memorize it. Sometimes, I don't know why Lisa keeps blocking women who show interest to her. You know what the girl did? She wrote her number and seductively put it inside Lisa's pocket. I just laughed staring at her shocked face when Lisa took my slips and gave my payment to her too. Then when Lisa and I walked away, my best friend snaked her arm on my waist.

"Don't you really have a plan of sleeping with other woman or having a girlfriend ever?"I asked her when we're on our way to her car.

"Why? Do you want to get HIV? We both know we only put on those rubbers on me when I'm near my cum.Well, if the day comes you'll tell me we're going to stop making love, then maybe I'll give it a try with other women. I just don't want to risk your health you know."She said and it made me speechless. And my guilt is choking my throat.

"How about you. When Gino and you-- at the beach. Uhm. Did you let him use a protection?"She asked. I expected this. Because we never talked about this. You know. I woke up and just knew she went back to Seoul with Rosé.

"No."I said. She stopped the car.

"No. We never had sex. We almost, but I realized I couldn't do it with him. I don't know. I stopped him when he's about to enter me. Then I looked for you. But you were gone, not answering my calls. So I slept alone in your room."I said and Lisa became speechless.

But I saw from my peripheral that she is smiling as she continued to drive.

We spent the day travelling around Busan to get familiar with the place. We ate, went shopping and then Lisa told me she's bringing me somewhere beautiful. We arrived at a park like place with beautiful light pink view that impressed my eyes.

Wow! We still did catch the cherry blossom season here at Dalmaji Hill. Lisa and I walked around and I took photos of us. Damn. People are right. We're really like a couple. Being clingy or not, we really look great together. We found a beautiful view of the ocean that we're actually not familiar with.

"What are your plans after college?"She asked. Damn. She's so handsome leaning on the rail while crossing her arms.

"Hmmm. Dad said I should take over as CEO and President of Chanel. Do you think I can do it?"I asked her because I am really not confident.

"Of course, you can, Jennie! You're smart! I know you will handle it effectively. I'm out of words. I still can't believe my best friend owns Chanel until now."She said smiling.

Jennie, don't look at her in the eyes. Lisa might capture you under her spell.

"How about you?"I asked.

"London. I won't take over our business here."She said as she turned around to face the ocean.

"London?"I asked again. Wait. Is she leaving me?

"For a month now, I am accepting online projects like logo creation for some brands in the UK. I do copywriting too. A bit of creative briefs and strategies.You know just to feed my passion. So the company owner of this Ad Agency talked to me before we got here in Busan. He offered me a sure job as an assistant art director in London once I'm done in college."She explained. Wow!

"So you mean they found your website?"I want a confirmation.

"Yeah. My cheap website."She said laughing.

"It may be cheap because it's a free site, but all your artworks are amazing and-- wow! Lisa, I am so proud of you!"I am still in amazement and I hugged her tight.

"But honestly, I am not sure yet if I will really pursue it.We'll never know. We can never tell right?"She said and I cupped her face.

She placed her arms around my waist and pulled me closer to her. She looked at me straight in the eyes as the sun sets. We're both having a hard time breathing as our faces are so near to each other.

"What can I do just for you to love me back, Jennie?"She just--. Uhm. See? You're going to London, Lisa! I really should stop myself from falling in love with you.

I got distracted when I heard two familiar voices.

"Unnie? Rosé? What are you doing here?"My sister and Rosé were holding each other's hand as they walk. They looked like being caught when they saw me.

Lisa and I were so quiet inside the car. I asked her so many questions but she just tells me it's not her story to tell. So we just drove going to Jisoo's house.

Four of us we're seated on their beautiful dining table as we eat our food.

"So can anyone start to tell me about this?"I asked looking at Jisoo and Rosé.

"Jen, Rosé and I have been in a relationship for so long. Since you were in high school. I started to like her when you bring her with your friends at home.And we live together now. I shifted to Biology course since last year by the way. I want to be a Doctor. Rosé here will take up same course too as our pre-med choice.Sorry we didn't tell you about us.I was afraid to tell you that you might get mad at me because we all know you really don't like this kind of relationship."Jisoo explained and I just sighed.

I massaged my head with my thumb. Lisa held my thigh.

"For the very last time, I am telling you all that I am not against same sex relationships. Please never judge my perspective because I just don't do love. Ok? I am not as romanticas you guys. I just don't do relationships. Love is not my thing."I said seriously.

"Sorry, Jennie. I have been calling you something that you're not all these years."A familiar voice. Kai! Kai is here! We all stood up and hugged him.

"Kai, I thought you're in the US already?"Lisa asked him.

"I moved my flight. Realized I had to be with you because for sure, we're not going to see each other for long years. I love you guys!"We got too emotional.

We're really praying that Kai will live the life he wants in the US as he studies film. Looking forward to his future vision on movies.

When Lisa, Rosé and Kai went to the balcony and started with their beers, I got the chance to talk to my sister.

"Do Mom and Dad know?"I asked her while she was making tea for me.

"Yes. I told them when Rosé and I got together. They accepted her. Us. I am sorry I was just so afraid of your reaction when you find out. Sorry I didn't trust you as my sister."She told me sincerely. I just hugged her tight.

"How about you? Still not giving your handsome lover over there a chance? You know, she really loves you."She said and we're both looking at Lisa.

"I know. That's why I am so scared. She is so in love with me and here I am so heartless.
What's wrong me, Unnie?"I asked as I took my tea.

"Nothing. There's nothing wrong with you.I'll share to you what Lisa has been telling. Rosé and I every time she talks about you and cry in front of us.

You know what's important to her?What's important to her is she respects your timing and decisions in every thing. She will do everything just to make you the happiest.
And she protects you and your feelings at all cost.

It's called true love, Jen. You know me, as your sister, I am not that patient with you.
But Lisa, she even ditched some events in her personal life just for you.She's one of a kind.But yeah, it's all up to you.She even told us to stop forcing you to be with her romantically."

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