(REWRITE) Chapter 1.

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A/N: Rewrite 12/05/14! The beginning of the end. I fixed lots of things, including always using "said." and also added details. Just a warning for newcomers, this story goes a bit fast and I feel like there isn't much to do about that. I'm sorry! 566 words to 771 words


I had finally finished my recording of the game Labyrinth. I let the game get the best of me, and every small jumpscare made me terrified and anxious. I decided that I should start playing these earlier at night so I could get over my nightmare fuel before bed. When I exited the game, I checked my Skype. Cry was online, and I decided to start a chat with him. I was too scared to even try to sleep anyways, so I might as well talk to one of my best friends. To me, Cry was more than a best friend. I truly wanted to tell him how I felt, but I thought he wouldn't feel the same. Plus, it was bad to think of him that way when I had a wonderful girlfriend. I was happy with her, but maybe that was a sign that I wasn't as happy as I should be. He appeared on the screen and I saw his white ceramic poker face mask fill the webcam window.

"Hello there, friend." He said quietly, and accompanied it with a small wave of his left hand.

"Hey bro! What's up?" I had responded with courtesy. As soon as I had finished my sentence, Marzia had walked in. I excused my self away from the camera and turned around to face Marzia. Her eyes and facial expression had anger written all over them, and I didn't know why. Tears threatened to spill over her eyelids, her hands quickly coming up to wipe them away. Before I could open my mouth, she slammed my laptop shut and I wrinkled my eyebrows.

"What is wrong, Marzia?" I cautiously questioned, not expecting what was coming next.

She started off yelling, her tone lowering after every sentence. "You never pay attention to me! We are always in seperate rooms and you're always on your computer! I'm done with it. Obviously, you don't have the time for me. Have fun with your stupid friend, Cry, or whatever. I'm leaving you!"

Marzia stormed out of the room and I felt the tears flood out of my eyes. As I tried to follow after her and beg for forgiveness, multiple doors were slammed in my face. I slumped down, trailing back to my bedroom. When I opened up the laptop again, I saw Cry looking down at the ground, messing around with something in his lap.

"I'm sorry, Pewds. Its all my fault.." He whimpered, the words barely tipping out of his mouth. Why was he apologizing?

"Why are you sorry? Don't worry about it Cry!"  I said, and cracked a bit of a smile. We started to talk about what was going to happen if she really did leave. I kept my voice down, I knew it would make her mad if she heard me talking about her.

"I mean, you can come live with me if you want. In fact, I can probably schedule you a flight for a few days, over to Florida." he had said, still looking down.

"I would love to! Are you sure that I can come to live with you though? The last thing I want to do is be a bother or anything." I asked.

We had soon sorted out that I was coming to live with him in Florida. I threw out one of those flirtatious sayings afterwards. I thought that I could see a slight blush rising on his cheeks, but I shook it off anyways. Whenever he would look up at me, I had forced myself to look down. I didn't wanna stress him out about me crying, or make him feel guilty either. We talked for a while and soon enough, it was two in the morning. 

We said goodbye only a few minutes after and I found my way into my bed. As soon as I laid down, tears spilled over and they just kept coming. I heard the front door slam, knowing Marzia left.  The tears kept coming harder. How could she just leave me like that? I spent alot of time with her, and she was even in some of my videos! The tears soon slowed down and came to a stop. I covered myself up with the soft blue comforter, closed my eyes, and I let sleep overcome me.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now