Chapter 8.

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- Pewds/Felix P.O.V- 

The power blacked out. I couldn't see anything, except the light from Cry's phone. 

"F-F-Felix? Where are you!?" Cry shouted, almost as if he were in deep trouble. I found my way from where I was standing, into the bed next to Cry. I was completely terrified of the dark, from childhood experiences. Cry kept scrolling through his phone, trying not to be scared. The silence was a lot more eerie in the dark.

"When do you think it'll come back on?" I said. From the way the storm seemed, the power wasn't coming back on for a while. 

"I'm not sure. There is a flashlight around here somewhere, care to find it with me?" Cry whispered rapidly. We felt around for the flashlight and thats when I tripped. My chin hit his dresser, and my hand smacked down quite hard onto something round. Cry shined his phone on me, and there I was, holding the flashlight. I blushed so hard, I'm pretty sure that my face looked like a tomato. Why did I have to be so klutzy? 

- Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

Before I knew it, Felix had fallen to the ground. I heard his chin hit the dresser, and the rest of his body hit the ground. When I shined the illuminated screen of my phone onto him, he was grasping the flashlight. I gave a small chuckle and then helped him up. Felix turned the flashlight on, shining the white light into the small hallway. For reassurance, he put his arm around my shoulder to make sure we wouldn't get lost. The sliding glass door was covered in small, clear raindrops. Through the screen, you can see the cracks of lightning followed by thunder. For some reason, my fear of thunder just washed away, because Felix was around. 

Pewds took his arm off of my shoulder and I felt a small shock of sadness. I looked around, and he was nowhere to be seen. With my mixed emotions of panic, sadness, and worry, I stood in place. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Boo." Pewds whispered, knowing he scared the shit out of me.

"God damnit Felix!" I shouted, playfully punching his arm and laughing. 

My emotions turned into happiness when he was around me. The flashlight batteries died, so all we had as a light source was my phone. The time read 3:45 A.M, and I felt pretty restless. Felix jumped onto the couch, patting the couch cushion next to him. I sank into the cool, black leather and started to do random stuff on my phone. Pewds watched, and we decided to watch other YouTube channels besides ours. 

- Felix/Pewds P.O.V - 

After a while of messing around, Ryan and I started to watch random YouTube channels. He suggested Smosh, so I nodded my head and proceeded to watch their videos with him. He found them quite funny, so we eventually just watched all of their videos. Ryan sat closer to me, and I wrapped my arms around him. He was about to watch another channel, so I had suggested Tobuscus. I've watched his videos before, and I think he is pretty cool.  We watched him for about ten minutes, and then we checked the time. It was already 5:00 A.M, and I think Ryan was pretty tired. The storm was still raging on, and then Ryan jumped up.

"Felix! I have a generator that could probably run the TV and the Xbox! Wanna see if it'll work?" He exclaimed, the smile quite obvious in his voice. I nodded and he went into his garage. The sudden buzz of the generator scared me, but I got used to it. Ryan came back in and turned on the TV and Xbox 360. The light from the TV was just enough for me, since I don't like all of the lights on at once. Ryan covered noth of us up with a blanket, and he cuddled into my side. A burst of happiness ran through me, and we agreed to play Bloody Trapland for the Xbox. 

We finally got through about 10 levels, when I saw the storm still going on. I never would've thought the storm would last this long. It was about 6:00 in the morning, and Ryan fell asleep. Since my laptop was on the sidetable, I turned off the Xbox and put the controllers where my laptop was. Since Cry looked so peaceful, I didn't move a muscle, because I didn't want him to wake up. 

Everyone on Cry's channel loved the fact that him and I did a reading video together, and I browsed through the comments. They were very happy about it, saying they want more reading videos or playthroughs of us playing together. Thank god, since I love making videos with him.

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