Chapter 9.

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- Cry/Ryan P.O.V -

I seemed to have fallen asleep playing Xbox with Felix. Dreams took me over and I found myself trapped.

*Le Dreams. *  ( If these dreams make little to absolutely no sense, I am sorry. :3 ) 

I was in a very unfamiliar room, with no idea where I was. Felix was in the corner, standing with his back facing me. He didn't seem conscious, so I decided to walk around a bit. I heard the crisp wind blowing, and other small, faint noises coming from outside the door. The door wasn't heavy, so I opened it with a small amount of strength.

As soon as I stepped outside, whispers gathered in my ears. They were all bunched together, which made them very unclear. Things would pop up in front of me, telling me to follow them.

"Please, help me. I need you." and then it all turned black.

Now, I was in my own house again, but not awake. I seemed to be a different person, watching everything that was happening before me. Felix wasn't in the living room, and arrows were pointing to the hallway. I followed the arrows, which eventually led to the bathroom door. I opened it slightly, seeing the tile flooring. The door opened, and I could fully see what was happening. Felix had rope around his wrists, laying unconscious on the ground. Blackness flooded over me.

Once again, I was at a house. It wasn't mine, for some reason. A window was cracked open, looking like somebody got in from it. I could feel eyes on me, like someone was staring at me from close by. A light shined on me, and there he was. His eyelids were cut off, revealing a set of blackened eyes. His face was charred and white, with a huge red grin carved into his face. He approached me, holding up a long, silver, sharpened dagger. Before I could scream, my mouth was covered and the dagger was planted into my chest.

"Go to sleep." Was all I heard, before I awoke out of the large vortex of horror that I was placed into. 

*Le End. *

I jumped up, letting out a small scream. I didn't find Felix out here anywhere, and I was very worried. I covered my body with a blanket, shaking and trying to escape from the memories. 

"Felix!" I called out, hoping he would respond back to me.

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V -

Since Cry was asleep, I decided to go into my room. The power was still out, so I found my phone and used it as a light source. My computer was open, and I made the decision to lay in my bed and screw around. YouTube was the most interesting thing at the time, so I checked on my channel. 

"Felix!" Cry yelled, sounding frightened. 

I ran out into the living room to find him covered in a blanket, shaking. I sat next to him, trying to find out what had happened.

"Whats wrong, Cry?" I said, rubbing his back in the process.

"T-these nightmares, I can't get away. T-t-they're haunting me..." he trailed off, still shaking.

"Its okay, you're safe now. Don't worry about it, Cry. They aren't real." I kept repeating to him, until he stopped shaking and he didn't seem so frightened. 

"Thanks, Felix. That really helped. But, would you mind staying out here?" he pleaded, and I realized how frightening his nightmares must've been. 

After a while of convincing, he followed me into my room and we laid in the same bed. We both seemed pretty restless, considering the sun is already up. Cry observed me while I checked my messages on YouTube. The message I dreaded, as come to haunt me.

- Marzia P.O.V - (Didn't expect that, eh? c: )

I couldn't take it anymore, I really missed Felix. I decided the only way to contact him now was to message him on YouTube. The least that could happen is he wouldn't read it, right? The message dealt with me apologizing, and asking for another chance. I finally hit send, and closed my computer.

- Cry/Ryan P.O.V- 

After a while, Pewds was checking his private messages on Youtube. He scrolled through, and saw one that from the person he thought he could forget.


She was asking for another chance, and I completely lost it. I snatched his computer away from him, and began to type rapidly.

"She is gonna finally get what she deserves." I muttered, typing away at the keyboard.

Felix seemed very worried, but I continued to type. He read it word by word out loud, and I didn't care. I didn't want him to be sad because of her, so I was going to take action. The message was finally complete, and Felix was shocked. His facial expression was something I have never seen, and I smirked at the sight of it.

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V -

Cry snatched my computer away, and began to type. It took him a few minutes to finally complete the message, and I read it word by word. He threw in the fact of 'I'm sick of you, please stop.' and other mean remarks. My facial expression was one of rarity, and he smirked. When he hit send, he watched and waited for her response.

She responded within minutes, and it was quite shocking at what she said. The message said.......

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now