Chapter 30.

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-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

I woke up, hearing the sound of cartoons quietly playing on  out the TV in the living room. Cry was out there, leaving me alone in the bedroom. I smiled to myself, thinking of a way to scare Cry.

"But Squidward! You can't sneak into the Krusty Krab!" Cry yelled.

Sliding out of bed, I changed into a pair of sweatpants and not bothering to wear a shirt. I sulked into the hallway, heading straight into the living room. Blaze and Cry were sitting on the couch, Cry cross legged and Blaze laying next to him. When Cry realized me, he waved and patted the seat next to him on the couch. I jumped on the couch cushion beside him, planting a kiss on his cheek. He ruffled my feathery blonde hair, then turning back to the TV.

"Whatcha watchin, Ry?" I said, looking at the show that was playing.

"Meh, just Spongebob. Its the only thing on besides preschool shows and sophisticated stuff, ya know." he replied.

God Cry, why did you have to be so cute? We both set all of our attention to the show, losing track of time. Blaze barked at us, circling her food bowl near the kitchen. Ryan stood up and walked to the kitchen, feeding Blaze and fetching a bowl of cereal. Just as he got food, my stomach growled quite loudly. He must of realized, considering he directed his spoon full of cereal towards my mouth. The cereal he buys is pretty good, I must admit. He blushed and continued to munch on his food, flipping through the channels after the cartoon was over. Brushing my lips over Cry's ear, I slowly whispered to him,

"I love you."

He simply kissed my forehead, earning a slight giggle from me.

"Ya know,Ry, you got your saliva on me! Finish eatin,man." I said,wiping the cereal and milk from my forehead and splattering it on him. Cry gave me a dirty look, flipping his spoon towards me. Before I could run, he took a spoonful of cereal and flung it at my face. Oh, it was on, Ryan.

He jumped from his seat, taking the bowl of cereal with him. I wiped my face on, then started to chase after him. I better get him and his cereal for revenge, bro. Without spilling his bowl, he ran into my old room and locked the door. His back slid against the door, him still eating.

"I'm gonna get you!" I yelled, pounding at the door.

I heard a slight giggle from him, chewing loudly. A few thoughts came to mind, making me think of revenge. Walking away from the door, I grabbed a few things from the kitchen. This will be a lot worse than some cereal to the face. Oh Cry, the revenge you get for putting cereal on my face,

a/N: Filler chapter, but its better than nothin', right? Love youuuuu. c:

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