Chapter 34.

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A/N: Okay so since I found it easier to write during the winter season in the story, this will now take place in the winter, okay? And also, before you get a bit confused on some parts : Nathan went back to live in his regular home after court. Their mother was bailed out my their so called 'father.' So yes, heres a fluff chapter on Valentine's day. Pewdaycry, for the win, my man. 

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

The brisk winter wind rushed through the house, almost feeling as if a window was cracked open. I realized that the sliding glass door was open just a bit, and I stood up to close it. The television blared, on a random news channel that I flipped to. Valentines Day was today, making me think about my present for Cry. It was hidden in my old room across the hall, in the closet. I was still waiting for him to get home as I walked around the house. Coming across the kitchen, I found a single rose with a note on it. I released the note from a string attached to the rose, ripping the small flaps open immediately. 

The note plainly read 'To: Felix From: [I'm sure you could guess who.]' I laughed a little at the sender box, blushing at the thought of Ryan. 

Whispering to myself, I muttered, "I wonder where Cry could be by now."

I felt two strong arms wrap around my neck, someone hoisting themselves onto my back. I jumped at the touch, thinking it was an intruder. When I yelled, signaling I was frightened, Cry told me that it was him. I relaxed a bit, hearing a small paper bag rustle on his arm. He jumped from my back, turning him towards me. Ryan handed me the bag, waving his hands for me to open it. I smiled at what he gave me, running towards my old room to find his present. We exchanged gifts, smiling and kissing every few minutes.

When I set our presents on the kitchen counter, Cry once again wrapped his arms around my neck. I watched as he stood on his tiptoes to come to the level of my face. His hot breath gathered on my neck, making me blush.

"So, what do you wanna do now, friend?" He said, using his Cry Reads voice.

"I-I don't know, whatever is fine with me." I whispered.

He pulled away from my ear, looking me in the eye. For some reason, I could almost see a spark of lust and hunger in his eyes. My common sense kicked in, knowing what he was up to. I kissed him forcefully on the lips, causing him to be a bit shocked. He kissed back after a second, making my cheeks go hot. Ryan hopped on me, wrapping his legs around my waist, keeping his arms steady on my neck. I turned my head, making the kiss a little more hungry and full of lust. Exactly what Cry wanted.

I carried him to the bedroom, setting him gently on the bed.

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

After everything stressful had happened, I really just wanted to relax. When I exchanged Valentines Day gifts with Felix, I could feel my emotions to become hungry. My body and mind told me what I wanted, or needed, to just relax after a while. Felix seemed to realize, considering that his eyes lit up after looking at me. We forcefully kissed for a few minutes, him carrying me to the bedroom. Before I could think of how wrong it could be, I remembered that I didn't give a shit anyway. I needed to relax, and damn, it was Valentines Day.

My heart started to race as I continued to kiss Pewds, and a flashback kicked in.

* Flashback. *

The judge looked down at Nate as he lifted his shirt up halfway, revealing his stomach. Many scars and bruises were lined against his body, making a few tears stream down my cheeks. I kept my ground beside him, watching as the medics looked him over. My oak brown hair fell onto my forehead, my eyes leading to my feet. Next, the medics started to take pictures of all the scars as evidence. I could almost feel the guilt and despair flood around the courtroom, making me stay silent the whole time. After a while, they looked me over, occasionally gasping at the old scars that were lined upon my whole body. 

Nathan was dismissed to go home, to live in the hellhole that he is forced to live in. For some reason, my parents nor the police would let me keep him to live with me, making me very angry. Why did Nate still have to suffer while I didn't? Walking out of the courtroom and into the car, I ruffled Nathan's matching oak brown hair and said,

"Don't worry, squirt. You'll be okay."

* Flashback End. *

I soon came back to my senses, feeling Pewds trailing kisses down my neck. I gasped quietly as he came closer and closer to my sweet spot, making me jump when he touched it. He smirked against my skin, kissing my sweet spot. I moaned softly, gripping his hair tightly. To make me more happy, he softly moved closer to me, "accidentally" bumping his left knee into my crotch. Felix slowly did it again, making me moan. My body felt a little better, as if all my sadness washed away. I flipped us around, my body on top. I took control, sitting him up slightly. I took off his shirt, him doing the same to me. 

When we laid down again, I took dominance once more. My hands traced down his body, examining every detail on his body. Felix leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling. I kissed his neck, leading down to his chest. My fingers fell against his belt, scratching the dark chocolate brown leather. When I looked up, he watched me and bit his bottom lip, gnawing the skin. Felix gripped my hair, pulling me up towards him. 

He kissed me again, with more lust than usual. My cheeks went hot, feeling like flames were igniting them. Felix traced his fingertips on my jeans, swiftly pulling back. He sat up, flipping us over. My body pulled away, seeing Felix smirking at me. He wrapped his arms around my neck, holding me close. 

We both seemed to calm down, more serene with our actions. I cuddled near him layingon the bed. Blaze nudged the door open, jumping on the bed and laying on the edge. Our breathing slowed, my heart stopped racing as much. Felix, why do you have to be so damn cute?

"Well you know, I was born this way." he whispered.

Did he hear me? Wait, was I thinking out loud in the first place? 

He pulled the comforter over us, also mumbling, "But you're cuter, Ryan." 

I just blushed, closing my eyes and nuzzling into the comforter. My phone vibratedagainst the side table, seeing a text from Scott. I simply waved it off,pulling back into Felix. My eyelids started to droop, feeling the weight of Felix's chin against my head. 

"I love you." was all I heard before I fell into a deep sleep. 

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now