Chapter 14.

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- Cry/Ryan P.O.V -

My door slammed after me and I collapsed onto my bed. Tears pooled out of my eyes, in both frustration and sadness. The only livestream I did with Pewds, to confess the secret, it just had to crash. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, heading into my room. Felix creaked the door open, sniffling. He seemed to be crying, just like myself.

"C-Cry? Are you okay?" He said, walking a bit further into the room.

I nodded and turned over to face him. He sat next to me and I put my arms around his waist. Maybe it would be okay not to tell them after one day.

"Felix, should we just wait a while? Its only been a day or so, and we could just wait a few weeks? I'm sure they wouldn't be mad..." I muttered, trailing off at the end.

He nodded and kissed my forehead. I happily hugged him, feeling very reassured. We discussed how we would say it, and what to do while we were confessing.

"Will you promise me, that you won't leave me, no matter what they say?" I said, adding a hint of worry in my words.

To answer me back, he just kissed me. As an instinct, I kissed back. Guess that answers my question with a yes. We both pulled away and I moved to my main desktop computer. I looked to see if the livestream was up again or not. No luck, damnit. I sighed and went on YouTube. Finding nothing of interest, I came back and sat next to Felix. He kissed my forehead lightly and leaned his head on my shoulder. The flatscreen that was mounted on my wall was turned on and we flipped through the channels. I turned it on a random channel and threw the remote on the bed. Pewds ruffled my hair and seemed serious for a minute. He looked at me and I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes while he asked me something serious.

"Hey Ryan? How long do you think we will stay together?" He said, with a hint of anxiety swimming in his eyes.

I gave him a polite look, and I kissed him. After I pulled away, I muttered to him,

"Forever. I promise."

A/n; sorry this is so short :c the next chapter will be up soon! It will be longer, I promise. XD

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now