Chapter 4.

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- Pewds/ Felix P.O.V- Time skip of one and a half days!!

After I got everything I needed loaded into my car, I made my way to the airport. I found one of my old phones, just in case I needed to talk to Cry on the plane. Soon enough, my bags went through the conveyor belt, also called the luggage check and I was waiting to board the plane. The plane eventually came and we all boarded within a few times. The plane smelled like fresh, sweet fruit and cologne. Everyone took a seat, buckled themselves in, and we took off. Within a few minutes, I fell asleep into a world full of dreams.

*The Dream. :3 *

Directly in front of me, standing, was Marzia. She was holding hands with another man. He seemed to look very scrawny, looking like only skin and bones. "Marzia!" I called out, but she didn't seem to hear me. Her and the man just continued to walk along the sidewalk, so I decided to pick up my pace and walk in front of them. The man she was holding hands with, was Cry. They seemed so happy together. Cry and Marzia both leaned in, and before they kissed, it was completely black.

It turned into Cry and Marzia together again. They were hugging, and then they moved on into the entrance of a park. The park seemed familiar, like the one next to my house. It seems as if I could walk straight through them, yet they wouldn't notice.

I seemed to have another blackout. My mind must really want to play tricks on me. The scene was different, as if it were in the past. I seemed to be a different person again, instead of myself. I was sitting on a small white couch, with a little boy around my age (at the time) keeping me company. We seemed to talk for a while. He introduced himself as a boy named Adrian, and he had very pretty blue eyes. He looked very, very similar to Cry. But, later on he told me that wasn't his real name. As soon as was about to speak, my eyes jolted awake.

* End. :3*

I awoke with sweat beads running off of my forehead and my heart pounding. My dream was so, awkward. Cry didn't seem like he had those feelings for her. But, why was the beginning of my dream him and Marzia? Why were my dreams all with Cry? Was my mind trying to tell me something, important? The thoughts kept popping up and running through my head, until I was interrupted by a flight attendant.

"Would you like anything to eat, sir?" She asked with a polite tone, and she put emphasis on "sir." I shook my head, and accompanied it with a smile. She walked away, assisting the next person in the aisle. The raspy, barely audible loudspeaker announced that the flight was almost over. We were already descending, making our way to the runway. My phone turned on and I decided to call Cry, to tell him I might need a ride. He picked up on about the second ring.

"Hi, friend." He answered, sounding very calm and serene. He had the voice of an angel, which drives me insane...

"Hey bro! The flight is almost over, do you think you could give me a ride back to your place? " I said, hoping he wasn't going to mind.

"Of course, Pewds. See you soon." He said, and we both hung up. I was so ecstatic to meet him, to see exactly how he was in real life, instead of behind a computer screen.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now