Chapter 6.

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- Cry/Ryan P.O.V -

Pewds and I sat directly across from each other, eating in silence. I slightly moved my mask up, so I can use my mouth. Neither of us couldn't stand the awkward silence, so he spoke up to break the tension.

"S-so.." He stuttered, sounding scared. "Do you wanna make a video tonight? I wanna update my bros and I am sure your 'Tear Drops' would love to watch a new video." I laughed after hearing him say the words 'tear drops', knowing he was referring to my fans. I nodded and set my small, empty glass bowl onto the oak coffee table. Maybe we should start planning for tonight's video, so we actually know what we're doing.

The box I kept full of games was sitting by itself in the corner, and I proceeded to grab it. Pewds opened it and searched through all of my games, picking out the two he wanted to play. He chose between Haunting Ground and Scribblenauts.

"Maybe we can do a Cry and Pewds Read? That'd be cool." I said, giving a slighty good idea. I could see Pewds' face light up, signaling a great idea. My computer was on the table, so I snatched at it and opened it up. We browsed for Creepypasta, and eventually found the one entitled "Smile Dog." Pewds picked it, and thats what we had planned on reading tonight. 

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V - 

We chose to make a video of Cry and I reading a Creepypasta. The story was called "Smile Dog" and it sounded scary as hell. Damn, I couldn't wait for a good scare tonight. Thoughts ran through my head, as I asked myself if it would be that scary. Hopefully it wouldn't be, I'd like to catch up on some amount of sleep. 

A/N; More of a filler. Next one or two chapters will be good, in my opinion. :3 

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now