Chapter 29.

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-Cry/Ryan P.O.V- 

Almost five hours passed by. I was all caught up on sleep and ready to do the stream. I still hadn't talked to Pewds, but I started to understand a little more. The stream was going on, all of us acting like fools and playing games. As time ticked on and on, I started to get a bit thirsty. Damnit, getting a drink requires seeing Felix. Whatever.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna get a drink, be right back." I muttered into my microphone, hearing them all respond.

I slowly tiptoed to the door and unlocked the metal lock quietly. I walked into the hallway, hoping that Felix wouldn't notice. As much as I loved him, my ex girlfriend kissed him, and thats a bit too much to handle in a few hours. He was watching TV, his hair slightly out of place and sticking out everywhere. Quietly, I found my way into the kitchen, retrieving a Monster from the fridge. At the last second, Felix realized me and jumped from the couch. Not knowing what else to do, I ran from the kitchen and down the hallway, hoping he wouldn't catch up to me. I felt a strong hand wrap around my arm, securing me in my spot.

"I'm sorry, okay? Please forgive me." he whispered.

My eyes wandered as I thought to myself. I knew my answer almost right away, but I decided to be a tease.

"I'll let you know later. The stream is still on, ya know." I said, smirking as he watched me.

He followed me into the room, observing my stream. Putting my headset back on, I heard the others talking about the schedule. Smiling to myself, I continued the stream. We were all talking and laughing together, playing some of our favorite games. Hours passed on as games were finished, and I was still pretty restless.

Before we knew it, the time was almost 6. Everyone was tired, and we had already finished wind down hour. The stream was stopped and Felix looked at me with hopeful eyes. How could I say no to such a cute little face?

"Yes. Of course I would forgive you. I love you, Felix. Nobody will ever come between us." I said, embracing him tightly.

I felt a few droplets of water fall on my t-shirt, signaling that he was crying. We both pulled away and I cupped his face in my hands. My lips were pressed against his, showing passion and love in the kiss. My headset was still on, and I heard one giant "Awwww." come from the speakers. Shit, did I forget to end the Skype call?

I blushed slightly as Felix just shrugged it away, as if it were normal. I kissed his cheek, ending the call at the same time.

"You know, I really hate fighting with you." he said.

"I know. From now on, no more fighting?" I replied.

We both nodded and kissed once more. After pulling away, I stood from my chair, taking off my headset and jumping on the bed. Felix followed, landing next to me and pulling the covers over both of our bodies. Blaze soon heard and ran down the hallway, curling in a ball next to our feet on the bed. 

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

I smiled to myself as Cry, Blaze, and I were all laying in bed. I faced Cry, looking at his beautiful blue eyes. Our body heat radiated off from us, causing the bed to be alot warmer. Cry inched towards me, wrapping his arms around my neck.

He put his head on my chest as I pulled him even closer to me. I reached over, turning the lamp off, resulting in complete darkness. I kissed Cry again, smiling in the middle of the kiss. My eyelids started to droop as we cuddled near each other. 

"Cry?" I whispered.


"I love you."

The three words meant a lot to us. I felt him smile against my skin before returning the words, his voice making him sound sleepy. Soon enough, I heard him snoring quite loudly. He came closer to me, tightening his grip around me. My eyelids started to become heavy, forcing themselves to close. I soon fell asleep, only hearing the snoring from Cry while thinking of our relationship.

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