Chapter 23.

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-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

I curled up on the couch, the tears still flowing. Why would Felix cheat on me? I thought he loved me. Finding music to play, my ears drowned out every other noise that was going on. After a few seconds, I felt someone tap my shoulder. My blotchy red eyes looked over, and I saw Felix with an apologetic look on his face. He took away my headphones and started to explain. 

Quite frankly, I didn't care about his explanation. My headphones soon found themselves back into  my hands.  I jumped off the couch and ran outside. The rain was pouring down, and I turned on my music. Pewds called my name, so I increased the volume. My feet collided with the pavement faster and faster as he was trailing behind. He soon caught up with me and put a hand on my shoulder. I spun around on my heels, looking directly at his face. His face seemed to be full of sorrow, sadness, and everything depressing. 

"I-I'm sorry, S-She made me kiss her. I wouldn't ever do that to y-you, especially with her." He said, sniffling.

Feeling guilty, I pulled him in for a hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes, and the rain was pattering onto our skin. An idea popped into my head within a second after we stopped hugging. Felix being a small amount taller than me, I stood on my tiptoes. My arms wrapped around his neck, and I kissed him softly. The only thing I wanted while I was dating someone.

A kiss in the rain. ( Me: N'aww. c:) 

-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

Cry soon stood on his tiptoes and wrapped his arms around my neck. We kissed in the rain, us both knowing that Cry always wanted to do that. When we pulled away, he smiled at me, showing his dazzling white teeth once more. His sopping oak brown hair fell in his face, making him look even more perfect. I entwined my fingers with his and began to walk home. Looking down at our feet, I saw other small footprints along the sidewalk, looking like they were from small children. They stopped after I while, and Cry tapped my shoulder.

"Felix? You okay?" He said, looking at the ground also.

I nodded and we eventually walked all the way to the hpuse. When we got inside, Blaze jumped around us, obviously happy that we were home. Cry walked into the bedroom, laying on the warm bed. He wash shivering, and he invited me next to him. I climbed in the covers and watched as he slowly drifted to sleep. Damn, this early? I kissed his forehead, climbed out of the bed, and went back into the living room. Marzia tried to call me, and I declined it every time. Why was she trying to talk to me again? Usually when she calls me, shes always drunk or just convincing me back into her. She keeps winning almost everytime. I can't let that happen. I'm happy the way I am, with Cry, Blaze, Florida, and not her in Italy. That is when I finally realized what I should've known a while ago. This time, I will finally shut her out.

For the sake of me.

And for the sake of Cry. He is the one I want, the ONLY one I want, forever and always. I need him.

A/N: YAY FOR KISSING IN THE RAIN! xD But thank you guys so much for reading this story. I never thought it would be forth from the top in the results when you search "pewdiecry". Thanks! c: This chapter is just so, asdfghjkl;. <3 Fangirl mode activate! :3

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