Chapter 16.

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- Cry/Ryan P.O.V- 

To get our minds off of the whole autograph thing, Felix and I decided to walk in the park. We strolled around town for a while until we found a local park.  I held Pewds hand and we walked steadily on the gray cement sidewalk. Kids were happily playing in the playground to the east. Seeing a vending machine full of varying items, I ran over to it. Pewds followed next to me and I pulled out five dollars. I injected it into the machine and got two bags of Skittles.

Sharing the candy with Pewds, I popped a few in my mouth. The fruity yet sugary tasted filled my mouth, making my mouth water for more. We finished the bag within a few minutes, and threw the bag into the trash can. Walking for a while longer, we found ourselves at a local lake. Many were fishing, while others were in their boats or canoes. I walked along the bridge, watching the fisherman catching small, tiny fish. The sun started to set, and I immediately checked my watch for the time. It was 6:45, apparently. Damn, time is going so fast lately. Pewds and I ran back to the car and took the route to go home. I stopped to get McDonalds, since it was dinner time. We took the road home and I had unlocked my front door. The bag made its way onto the coffee table and I wrapped blankets around Pewds and I. It seemed to be pretty cold at night, considering that it was January. 

Felix and I both had devoured our food after turning on the TV. We snuggled close together and watched cartoons as we ate. My phone buzzed with a YouTube notification, and I had shrugged it off. Soon enough, I heard Felix doze off and start to snore. Making sure he was asleep, I moved slightly, and he just laid down on the couch. I pulled my phone out, with a few more notifications popping up. They were a few messages, and I decided to check them. Curiousity kills the cat, I suppose you could say.

The messages were from Jund, asking about my life. He hasn't talked to me in a few weeks, after the last livestream. He told me about his life, then asking for my details. I spilled the details to him, almost a few paragraphs long. I told him about Pewds, about the mask being gone, and telling everyone. I cracked my knuckles, something I always do out of anxiety.

An anxiety attack was coming my way. What was Scott going to say back to me? What if he didn't respect my decisions? Then, he had finally responded. The message was a paragraph or two long, telling me about how he was very happy and glad for me. Relief washed over me as I read the first two sentences. Carrying on with the message, I saw Felix shiver and squirm a bit. Maybe he was just dreaming? I shook it off and started to pay more attention to the television. On the other end of the couch was Felix, sleeping like an angel. My cute, adorable, precious angel. 

As a few more shows ended, the real cartoons came on. I seemed to be intrigued about them, and my attention span came to the channel even more. That was when...

The lights blacked out again. Being the only one awake, I got even more scared. The television made a horrid sound while it shut off, and terror started to come. Sweat came down my forehead and I shook Pewds awake. 

He wouldn't wake up. I curled up into a ball next to him and tried to shake him even harder. Fuck!

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now