Chapter 36.

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- Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

* 2 Weeks Later~*

I sat in the living room of Jund's apartment, silently sobbing. The memories of last night flashed before my eyes.


After a long week of waiting, Felix was finally coming home. He went to Sweden for a while, visiting family. When he left, he seemed to be acting a little strange. I shook it off, thinking that it was just anxiety. 

I jumped from my car, finding Pewds in the airport. When I saw him, I smiled and helped him get out of the airport and back home. We drove for a while, occasionally exchanging a few words. Maybe he was just having a bad day today, I guess. 

When we got into the house, Felix quickly ran to our bedroom. He closed the door behind, almost slamming it. What the hell is going on? I waited a few minutes, seeing if he was going to come out of there. After a while, I quietly tiptoed down the hallway and next to the door. I cupped my hands around my ear and listened for any small noise. He was on his computer, clicking away a little loudly. Small noises, sounding like talking, came from the bedroom. I wondered what it was until I heard more conversation. 

"No, Marzia, I haven't said anything to him."

"Good, you better not have."

"I'll be back, I just want to check on him."

As soon as he said that, I bolted from the hallway and into the living room. Why would he be talking to Marzia? Thoughts ran through my head as I sat down on the couch nonchalantly. Felix opened the door, padding down the hallway. He was looking down, not even bothering to look at me.

"Cry, there is something I need to tell you." he said.

"What is it?" I could almost feel the lies hanging in the atmosphere.

"I didn't really go to Sweden. I visited Marzia, just to check up on her and stuff. I'm sorry for not telling you, but I mean we sort of hooked up during the time."

Before either of us could say a thing, I ran into the bedroom. Sadness and anger mixed together rushed through me. I packed clothes and anything else I needed. How could he just cheat on me like that? Maybe I should leave for a few days. I texted Scott, asking him if I could come over. Pewds came behind me and tried to hug me, but I pushed him away.

"Did you really think I would just forgive you for cheating? Don't even try that. " I snapped.

He could almost see the anger rushing through me, it seemed. He replied, " I'm sorry, Cry. I really am. I didn't mean to." 

"Am I just not good enough for you or something?" I yelled. The tears started to stream down my face, one at a time. I simply turned around and grabbed my bag of clothes, storming out of the room. The last words traced through my head, almost as if my mind was telling me that I wasn't good enough. I ran to Scott's house before Felix could catch a glimpse of me again.

"Flashback End *

Jund told me that I could stay for as long as I like. I continued to cry for a few minutes, still thinking. I wonder what he could be doing at this moment. I stood from the couch, brushing myself off a bit. I was a bit unfamiliar with the house, but I found my way down the hall. Scott bumped into me, causing me to look up at him. His facial expression seemed as if he were shocked at the sight of me.

"Woah, Cry. Are you alright? You look like you were crying." he said.

I couldn't bring myself to speak so I just hugged him. The tears still poured over my eyelids, causing small puddles to form on Scott's shirt. He soothingly rubbed my back and told me it was going to be okay. When I pulled away, he wiped the tears from my eyes. I smiled, my brain conjuring up a few thoughts. No. Scott wasn't bi, as afar as I know. I just shook the thoughts away, following  him to his computer. 

We played video games for a while and laughed. Soon enough, my mind was off of everything else. Jund and I sat next to each other and played several video games. He looked over at me, making  a funny face. I laughed really loud, thinking it was way funnier than it really was.

"Gosh,Cry, you're so adorable." Scott said, poking my cheek.

I started to blush, my cheeks turning a deep red color. Soon I had realized that Jund was trying to flirt with me almost the whole time. Maybe he was bi after all. I smiled to myself and looked him in the eyes, clearing my throat.

"Scott?" I said, using my smooth Cry Reads voice.

Before I could do anything else, he pressed his lips against mine.

A/N: OH MY GOD. I finally am writing again c: I apologize for such a long wait time for a chapter of this story. I've been a little busy with school and all. I will continue to write this story at any chance I can get, trust me. Love you guys! By the way, I need some good names for my fanbase. I didn't know if Blazes sounded good or nawt. ;3

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