(REWRITE) Chapter 5.

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- Cry/ Ryan P.O.V-

Pewds called me a minute ago, asking for me to pick him up in a while. I combed my oak brown hair onto my forehead, and glanced at the mirror. My mask wasn't on, and I felt so weird without it. It felt as if I was too exposed, and I had the empty feeling without it. Have you ever had the feeling in the pit of your stomach after you forgot something important? That is exactly how I felt. The mask sat on my coffee table, and I tied it back onto my face. A wave of protection seemed to flood over me, and I let out a sigh of relief. My phone vibrated in my back pocket, and I saw a text from Pewds.

Pewdie; Hey bro! I'm at the airport. See you soon?

I rapidly texted back, saying "See you soon, friend." and grabbed my keys. The car started and I drove off to the airport.

;; skipping driving because, well, I don't think I need to go into detail. 

The airport seemed not as crowded, and I wondered why. Pewds didn't seem to stand out though, so I walked around for a while. Someone bumped into me from behind, and I tripped and fell onto the ground. When I looked up, I saw..


- Pewds/Felix P.O.V -

While looking for Cry, I bumped into someone in the process. They fell over and I glanced down to see who it was. There sat Cry, the one I had pushed over. That was embarrassing for a first impression... I felt a blush rise onto my cheeks, and I lent a hand, to help him up. He grasped my hand, and I felt jolts of electricity shoot through me. His hands felt so cold and clammy against my own. He brushed himself off and helped me with my luggage. We found the way to his car in a matter of minutes. The parking garage didn't seem very full like any other airport was. After the luggage was in the trunk, it started to storm. It was weird because when we came outside, it looked as if there was no chance of bad weather. Cry sped through the roads, trying to get home. A huge crack of thunder came, and rain started to pour. Cry bit his lip and clasped his fingers harder around the wheel. Soon enough, more thunder came, and his knuckles turned white.

"Are you okay, Cry?" I asked, searching to find what was wrong.

"Don't worry about it, Pewds." He said, sounding a bit afraid and harsh. I stayed silent for the whole way back to his place.

Cry pulled into his driveway and it was pouring rain. Raindrops covered the winshield, with the wipers quickly brushing them off. We hurried inside with my luggage and he showed me around. His house seemed very cozy, inviting, and full of happiness. My room was right across from Cry's, and I placed my gray suitcases on the bed. There he was, in the living room, on the couch. I sat beside him, and watched what he was doing. He seemed to be staring out of the sliding glass door, watching the rain. They trickled down the sides, sometimes bumping into each other and continuing down to the ground. Cry slightly jumped after thunder came, so I gently sat closer to him. We sat together for a few hours, and chose to play some Bloody Trapland. He grabbed both of our laptops, while the rain stopped pouring, turning into a small sprinkle. We kept dying in the levels, and eventually quit playing. Time flew by, while it seemed like I just got here. The clock read 6:15 P.M., almost dinner time. The time zone difference was really confusing me, since it was 5 hours behind. Jet lag was a bitch, and I was already fatigued. My stomach started to growl, while I remembered that I ate nothing at all today. Cry seemed to read my mind, or he is just really good at hearing my stomach growl.

"Are you hungry, Pewds? I can make you something, if you'd like." Cry said, turning my way. I nodded and he jumped up and jogged into the kitchen. I've never seen anyone so damn excited to cook. I slid over onto the next sleek, black leather couch cushion and turned on the TV. I flipped through the channels, finding nothing of interest to me. I slowly picked myself up off of the couch, and went into the kitchen. Cry was making spaghetti, and by the time I had walked in, it was finished. He dished the pasta into small bowls and put forks in the glass containers. There was a dash of fresh parmesean cheese on top, my favorite. I found my way back into the living room, with Cry sitting directly across from me.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now