Chapter 17.

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A/N; Okay let me start this off with THANK YOU! Thank you soo much for 1k reads. c: And now I'm on the first page when you search "pewdiecry" ! xD Thanks guys. c:

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

I was awoken by fierce shaking beside me. Cry was in a ball, shaking me to death. I turned and took the fact that the lights were out. I pulled him near me and wrapped my arms around him. He started to inch closer to me and snake his arms around my neck. His fingers delicately played with the hair at the nape of my neck, and I let him mess with it. I knew it would calm him down, so I let it fly. 

Finding a flashlight near me, I turned it on and shined it towards the window. It was storming out, again. For some odd reason, I thought I saw someone running in the rain. Ryan seemed to notice it as well, since he had a puzzling look on his face. 

"C-Cry? Do you see that person, just running? It seems like they're frightened." I mumbled, trying not to scare him. 

He nodded and took the flashlight from me. When he had shined it outside, they disappeared. Cry came back and snuggled into me some more. What was that person doing outside? They seemed to be looking for something, or they seemed very frightened. I shrugged it off, and found the flashlight again.

Cry whispered to me, "Wanna use that generator again? Its pretty damn cold in here."

I nodded and he went outside for a minute. The generator buzzed and we powered a lamp and the TV. The heater kicked on and he sat down again. I looked over at the deck and I heard a small scratching at the glass door. My eyes fell to the bottom of the door, and there was a small delicate..


-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

After I finished powering the generator, Pewds seemed very interested in the glass door. I could've sworn I heard a scratching noise at the glass. When I looked over at what Felix was doing, a puppy was standing at the door. 

The dog looked no older than 3 weeks, and it seemed like it was just dropped off. We opened the glass door and I picked up the puppy. It seemed to be a fragile, white lab puppy. No tags were on the collar, and Felix stroked the dogs ears slightly.

"Do you think we should keep it? I mean, its better than just leaving it outside..." He said, seeming happy.

"Of course we can keep it. Its so damn fucking cute!" I whisper-shouted. 

We set the dog down and chose to call the vet in the morning. Maybe we can have a new addition to the Pewds and Cry household.

*next day. c: *

We visited the vet to make sure the dog was okay to keep. They said it was alright, and they fixed her up good. After that, we bought all the needs for taking care of the dog. I was going to choose the name, but I had no idea. 

After we got home, the puppy was very energetic. She would run through the house like a maniac, her tags jingling against the metal loop in her collar. 

"Hey Felix? What should we name our new puppy?" I finally questioned, asking his perspective on naming it. 

After a bit of pondering, he finally said to me, "Blaze." 

Best. Name. Ever. From now on, the pup will be called Blaze. I smirked and pet Blaze a few times, before she ran off to venture the house. 

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now