Chapter 35.

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-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

I heard Cry fall asleep, laying on my chest peacefully. The heat kicked on, running the air throughout the house. I softly pushed Ryan off of me, placing him on the left side of the bed. Covering him up with another blanket, I slipped my shirt on and kissed his forehead. I walked through the house quietly. The only noises that were coming from it was Ryan's snoring and my feet hitting the wooden floor.

My eyes grazed upon the digital clock by the kitchen counter. Only 11:37. Huh. I wandered around the kitchen for a while finding nothing of interest. An idea popped into my head as I jogged back into the bedroom, practically jumping into the computer chair. I browsed my YouTube channel for a while before making another video. A Valentines Day video to get people in the mood, yeah? The webcam started to make awkward noises and crash, so I decided not to use it. I found a game called Counter Strike: GO and I chose to give it a try. 

I failed during the first few minutes, getting better every round. Just before I had to end the video, Cry sat in my lap on the chair. He yawned, snaking his arms around my neck. 

"Hello, friend. " Cry said,smiling.

"Yo bro! I was just making a video." I said.

We both ended the video together, editing it for a few hours. Ryan was fully awake by now, helping me cut out a couple parts in the video. I put my headset next to the monitor and swirled away from the computer. Cry and I were both sitting in the chair, him sitting on my lap. I smiled and took in every little feature of him. 

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

I caught Pewds staring, but I didn't say anything. To be honest, I kinda liked it. I still sat on his lap, putting one leg over either side of him. Turning towards him, I kissed him lightly on the lips. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. I kissed him once again increasing the passion. Felix kissed me back, causing us to deepen the kiss and my back arched. Before he could ask for entrance, I jumped away from him and ran into the living room. Footsteps came behind me which made me run faster.

I jumped onto the couch, Felix following after. He pinned my arms against the couch and I wrestled him back. We broke out into a full fledged play wrestle within a few minutes. Felix gave up eventually, falling back and laying down. 

"Damn Ryan, you're stronger then I thought." he softly yelled while panting.

"Heh. I beg to differ." I muttered.

When we finished panting, Felix put his feet on the coffee table and placed his arm around me again. He turned on the TV, leaving me to find the channel. Damnit.

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V- 

 I left Ryan to find something on TV to watch as I went back into the kitchen for a drink. I looked at my present once again, opening it and looking at the contents. In the bottom hid a pair of black and white headphones. They were covering a note beneath them. I took the note from the bag, sliding my finger over the flap of the envelope. 


I hope you enjoy your present. I thought you might like the headphones, ya know. Happy Valentines Day. I love you. ~Ryan

My cheeks went hot as I put the note back into the bag, closing it and padding to the fridge. I found a can of Pepsi, cracking the can open. When I walked back into the living room, Cry held the remote in his hands, paying no attention to the TV. I smiled, thinking of my present. The headphones were still in my right hand as I slipped them over my ears. Ryan noticed, smiling and pointing to them. I pulled my  iPod from the coffee table, plugging them into it. 

I leaned my head onto Ryan's shoulder as he watched some TV, the headphones flooding my ears with music. 

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now