Chapter 10.

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- Pewds/Felix P.O.V -


That was all the message read. She wasn't gonna fight back, at all? She didn't wanna win me over, like she did the first time? Anger rushed over me, and I balled my hands into fists.

"She isn't worth my time." I proclaimed, while gritting my teeth. My face heated up, turning red within a few seconds.

"Don't worry about her, Pewds. Just get her out of your life." Cry remarked, trying to comfort me.

I stormed out of the room, into the kitchen. Cry followed shortly after, coming behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged my back. I could feel his smile on my skin, even through the mask, and I started to blush.

"Everything will be okay, Felix."

The fact that he used my real name made me blush even more. He soon let go and moved into the living room. The sun was out, signaling the end of the storm. My feet padded against the cool tile of the kitchen and into the living room. Ryan slid over on the couch and patted the seat next to him. I gladly sat next to him and I asked Cry about his mask.

In the politest way possible, I murmured, "Cry, when will you take off that mask?"

- Cry/ Ryan P.O.V -

Felix and I sat next to each other on the couch for a while. Before I knew it, he asked the question I have dreaded to come from his mouth.

"Cry, when will you take off that mask?" 

A shocked expression appeared on my face. The words were steady, without a long pause in between. I shook my head and shrugged. He has seen me without my mask before, but only for a few seconds. He didn't realize the scar, nor did I want him to ever see it. The memories flashed before my eyes, putting me in the same place I was when it occurred.


My mom and dad were drunk, as always. I hid in my room, knowing that if I were to come out, I was going to be brutally beaten. They were down in the living room, watching TV on our small TV set. My room was small, only big enough to fit a small bed, a tiny dresser, and a desk. Whenever I got to see my friends, which was on a rare occasion, I played video games with them. A few games were hidden in the floorboards, underneath my small, broken bed.

"RYAN! Get your ass down here NOW!" My mom slurred, and this was when it was the worst night of them all.

I quietly tiptoed down the stairs, afraid of the sight of my parents. Usually, both of them weren't drunk at once, but I guess today was special.

"Did you do your homework?"


"What was that?"

"I said, Yes."

I repeated myself once again, but with a small amount of attitude at the end. I instantly regretted it after what happened next. She threw something glass at me. It shattered upon my tan skin, and cut a gash from the corner of my eye, all the way down to my mouth.  My father demanded me to go to my room, so I did. That was when I decided that I would never show my face. To hide behind the pain, I would always wear a mask.

* end of flashback. *

Not knowing how to respond, nor knowing my actions later on, I took the mask off.

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V - 

Something in Ryan's body gestures told me he was in a trance. After a few minutes, he did something I never thought he would do.

Before answering me, or just telling me no, he took off his mask.

A few tears rolled down his cheek, and I automatically felt guilty.

"Cry!? Whats wrong?" I questioned, while he wiped them away. He just shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, like he did earlier. He looked up at me, while unmasked, and said,

"My parents abused me when I was about 10. I made this mask when I got the scar." 

He pointed to the scar, and then traced it from beginning to end. His cobalt blue eyes started to pool with tears and I quickly wiped them away. I pulled him in for a hug and apologized. When he pulled away, I closed my eyes for a few seconds. That was when....

I felt his lips against mine. It took me a second to realize, and that was when I kissed back, feeling happier than ever. So maybe, he felt the same way after all....

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now