Chapter 28.

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a/n: OK. The good loving parts before this and gaah this is dramatic. Btw did anyone else watch Cry's stream last night? xD 

-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

After a long walk with Cry and Blaze, we all just lounged in the living room peacefully. It was silent, except for the slight whirring of the air conditioner. Neither of us could take the silence, therefore Ryan decided to speak up.

"So, what do you wanna do now?" he asked.

I checked my watch equipped to my wrist before answering, "Well bro, its Saturday and its almost seven. Don't you have to do a stream later?"

He nodded and pushed himself from the couch. I realized that he had to make the stream video to notify his subscribers about the stream.  His streams were always fun to watch, seeing them fooling around for several hours straight. I smiled to myself and chose to get dinner from the town for both of us. Searching for my money, a few places to find food popped into my head.

I opened the front door and walked down the porch to the sidewalk. I eventually found the pizza place I was looking for, pulling open the glass door. The small store was empty, containing two people working at the counter. The one lady looked up from her phone, smiling brightly.

I ordered exactly what Cry always gets. It was just a habit to memorize the order, knowing we would usually get pizza instead of cooking. The woman's eyes wandered around my body, causing me to squirm slightly. Her facial expressions and body motions were very flirtatious, and honestly,

it didn't quite bother me.

I waited for a few minutes as the pizza was cooked and put on the counter. Minutes flew by and the box was passed to me over the counter. I handed the lady the money required, smiling politely. Once again, the woman looked at me and smiled. Before I left, she slipped her number to me. As I walked out of the pizza shop, I pondered a few things in my head.

Maybe I could talk to her while Cry is doing his stream.....

Just to be friendly, of course. 

Or maybe she could just come home with me and I could make up an excuse. I hate lying to Cry, but I mean, I kinda wanted to get to know her more.

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

As I was doing my stream video, I heard the front door open. I'm sure Pewds was probably just going out for a few minutes. Jund and I finished the stream video and put it up on my channel. Considering it was almost seven, I probably should catch up on some sleep before the stream. I was a bit hungry, but I just shook it off. Laying back in my chair, I heard the door open.

Almost immediately, I heard Felix's voice. The aroma of pizza filled the house as he brought in my favorite kind of pizza. But apparently he wasn't the only one to come into the house again. I heard another girls voice as she giggled, noise flooding into my room. Was Pewds cheating on me? I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep as Pewds entered the room. What the hell was some random bitch doing in my house?

I heard them talking and eating pizza as the TV was on also. Time to go see what was happening, I guess. The talking stopped and the anonymous girl started to giggle. I hopped up from my chair, quietly sneaking into the hallway. The sight before me was horrifying. 

There was the girl. And Felix.

She was all over him, kissing him. He seemed to either be enjoying it or pushing her away. Still, he was kissing someone else.

The worst part was, that girl that came into my house was my ex-girlfriend. I just stood there, watching as she threw herself upon him.

"F-Felix?" I said, tears threatening to flood from my eyes.

Pewds pushed the girl away, looking at me with shock written on his face. I didn't know who kissed who first, and it didn't matter to me.

God damnit, Felix.

I just shook my head, running back into my room and slamming the door shut. My back slid against the door, finally resulting to me sitting on the floor. Tears silently fell from my eyes and streaming down my cheeks. I heard the girl leave, then Felix walking into the hallway, knocking on the door.

"Ryan? It wasn't like that. I invited her over as a friendly gesture, okay? I promise." he said.

I remained silent, locking the door and standing from my spot. My trust issues kicked in, and for now I chose not to believe him. I guess I could just sit in here for a while and sleep before the stream.

Felix walked away after a few minutes, knowing I didn't plan to respond. I just jumped onto the bed, laying down and staring at the ceiling. My eyes closed, causing me to fall into a deep sleep.

If only this was a nightmare and I could finally wake up. Why did he cheat on me?

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now