Chapter 24.

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-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

When I woke up, I automatically smelled a wonderful scent. I saw my vanilla sugar candle lit, with the lights off. Pewds was sitting at my desk, with his computer, making a video. I propped myself on my elbows and watched him. The recording stopped and Felix walked over to the bed. Leaning over me, he kissed my forehead and I smiled. My hand was feeling a little better, like it wasn't even broken anymore. Felix laid next to me, cradling me in his arms. He faced me, smiling as he kissed me once more.

Blaze jumped in between us and licked our faces. I gnawed on my bottom lip, thinking about making breakfast. Felix's stomach growled, and mine followed the growling shortly after. I got up, walking to the kitchen. Felix followed me, helping find out what to cook. He wrapped his arms around my neck as we both chose pancakes. I put a pan on the stove and began to mix the batter.

Pancakes were something easy to make, I always made them as a child.

*Flashback. *

I just woke up and my room was still and silent. My parents must not be awake, since it was this early. My door was locked, so I snuck under my bed and the loose floorboard to find my video games. If these were ever found, I would be beaten. Just like I was beaten for everything. 

My dad was officially awake, stomping down the steps. I carefully put my games back and unlocked my door. My mother was also following my dad, obviously very angry. I made a mental note to obey their rules and no attitude. Empty beer cans made a rattling noise against the hardwood floor, also with the kicking of them around the house. 

"Ryan! Get your ass down here!"  my mom yelled. I cringed at the sound, peering through my bedroom door. 

I carefully walked down the stairs, shuttering at the sight of my parents. My father pointed to kitchen, his eyes full of anger. 

"Pancakes. Now." they said, sitting down on the beaten leather couch.

I walked into the kitchen, mixing the batter as I usually do. The food was cooked almost perfectly, served on paper plates and a small amount of syrup doused on top.

Giving them to my parents, they tasted them within a few seconds. After a minute, an empty beer can was thrown at me. My fists balled up and I glared at my mother.

"Fuck you." I mouthed, my blood pumping faster and faster.

That was when my father stood up, my head being cracked against the hardwood. 

*Flashback end. *

My forehead was full of sweat, finishing the pancakes. I gave them to Felix and quickly ate before him. I chose to take a shower, to relieve the stress and get the flashback from my mind. Finding some comfortable clothes to wear, I placed them in the bathroom. I scratched the back of my neck, finding Felix in the hallway. 

"Hey Felix, I'm gonna take a shower, okay? But uh, one thing." I said, looking up from the floor.

"What is it?" he said. 

"Come with me?"

He nodded and we both headed for the bathroom.

A/N: I can't even. asdfghjkl; c: 

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now