Chapter 27.

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-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

I woke up to Cry next to me, staring at the ceiling. Two empty cans of Monster were laying on the nightstand, a halfway full one still standing. He looked over at me, smiling and showing his dazzling teeth. He had bags under his eyes, obviously from not sleeping. 

"Rough night?" I whispered, watching as he blinked a few times.

He just simply nodded and stared into my eyes. Glancing over at his computer, I saw his channel and my channel both open. I climbed from the bed and sat in his office chair. So, Ryan was reading comments all night, while also responding to messages. I glanced through a few of them, 1/4 of them just being trolling comments. I just ruffled my hair, closing out of the two tabs.

Soon enough, Ryan and I wondered into the living room. His hand laced in mine, we both landed on the couch. My laptop sat upon the coffee table, untouched and tempting. Cry leaned his head against me, watching as I browsed the Internet. The websites I visited were quite boring lately, and I checked my Skype. Nothing important on that, either. I felt Ryan jolt awake and take my laptop from me. Going on YouTube, he looked at my channel.

"Find anything interesting, let me know. " I said, grinning. 

Like Ryan had told me to do so, I stopped talking to Marzia.

Well, not completely. 

As if he could read my mind, he clicked on my private messages. I'm screwed.

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

I stole Felix's laptop from him, going to his YouTube channel. I just had a weird feeling last night, causing me to stay up all night and think. My anxiety seemed to just tell me that he was still talking to Marzia. I leaned away from him, looking at his private messages. The first two, of course, caused my to click on them. 

She signed the message with the words, "I love you." 

God. Damnit. The worse part, he replied with "I love you too."

I slammed his laptop shut as the tears rolled down my cheeks. Felix jumped up and hugged me almost immediately.

"Wait, whats wrong?" he asked, looking me in the eyes.

"So you love her, too? And don't even lie to me since you know exactly what the fuck I am speaking of." I said, anger obvious in my tone of voice.

He simply opened the laptop and glanced at the message, scrolled down, and shoved the computer into my hands.

"Just kidding, I don't."

The message read those 4 words. Plain and simple. God damnit, Felix. Guilt was all I could feel. Whenever I felt guilt, my depression kicked in. To make up for it, I just leaned against him and kissed him straight on the lips. He kissed back within a second, wrapping his arms around me.

I sat back up, glaring at the flatscreen and the Xbox. Energy was still bursting through me from the two and a half cans of monster I drank. All that I really wanted to do was play video games. Pewds was looking at his channel again, seeing that he needed to upload a video. Thank god he had already recorded a few, since I really wanted to play the Xbox with him.

"Pewds, will you play the Xbox with me? Pleeeasee?" I asked, whining a bit towards the end.

He shook his head, and I whined even more. He eventually gave in, taking the second controller from my hands. I let him choose the game, and he eventually chose Just Dance 4 on the Kinect. We both knew how untalented I was at dancing, and I groaned.

"This game? Damnit." I mumbled, watching as Felix pinched my cheek.

"Suck it up, buttercup." Felix simply whispered.

-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

I laughed as Cry groaned at the game that I chose. To be honest, we were both pretty terrible at dancing. That's what he gets for letting me choose the game, silly goose. The kinect sensor turned on, noticing both of us on the screen. We decided on what songs to dance to, picking a few easy ones and a few harder ones. 

After we danced to about 5 songs, Cry and I were about to pass out. I had collapsed on the floor, panting and attempting to catch my breath. Sweat was beading from my forehead, landing in drops on the carpet. Ryan leaned over me, offering a hand. He was panting also, and I clasped his hand to pull my body weight up. We both turned off the Xbox and crashed onto the couch. Who knew that Just Dance could be such an exercise? Blaze had finally woken up, running towards us and jumping onto the couch. She licked both of our faces, probably just happy to see us again. Ryan got up and wandered into the kitchen, finding a water bottle in the fridge. My whole body was hot, so I slipped off my shirt and threw it to the ground. Before Cry could sit down, I had an idea.

I jumped up and hugged Ryan from behind, scaring him a bit. My head rested on his shoulder, my mouth grazing against his ear. He almost shivered, stopping in place. I cleared my throat, also making my voice a bit deeper.

"Guess what? I love you." I said, my lips close enough to touch his right ear. 

"I love you too, Felix." he said, leaning against a wall. 

Blaze jumped around us, barking wildly. Her leash was in her mouth, grasping the handle and hitting our legs with the silver clasp on the end of it. 

"Lets go for a walk, yeah?" I asked, transferring my body to the front of Ryan. 

He nodded and I went to find a different shirt to wear. I found one of Cry's t-shirts, a black one with his masked character on it. Going to the front door, I slid on my shoes and prepared the leash for Blaze. Cry came in and put the leash on her collar while I opened the front door to the house. We stepped down from the front porch and onto the sidewalk.

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

We walked outside, traveling along the pavement. The neighborhood we had lived in was peaceful, and a few kids were running around along the houses. I glanced upon each child, remembering a few of their names. My eyes stopped upon one, looking very peculiar and similar to a character in a way. Then I had realized who she had looked like.

I saw a small girl with long black hair with a pink bow placed perfectly in it. She looked a lot like Aya from Mad Father. I smirked at the reference and kept walking along with Felix and Blaze. I had seen how Blaze walked a few paces ahead of us, trying to sniff out something. It wasn't that big of a difference, since thats usually what dogs do. 

We walked around the whole neighborhood about three times, and our legs soon got tired. It was very hot outside today, the suns rays blinding us and also radiating against the concrete sidewalks. Felix stopped at our house, opening the door and stepping inside. I almost automatically felt the air conditioning wave over me, the sweat almost disappearing from my skin. The cool breeze locked into the house as I closed the door to conceal it. Felix flipped over the back of the couch, landing face first onto the flooring. He laughed slightly as he just picked himself back up.

Wow, this was a pretty damn good life. 

 A/N: Dedication to Lovelyjamie b/c bears.

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