(REWRITE) Chapter 2.

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I can't believe it! I was finally going to see my best friend for the first time. It's hard to explain correctly, but I've had a crush on Pewds for a while now. I wouldn't tell him, because I know that he wouldn't feel the same way. Besides, he had a girlfriend anyway. I shrugged it off once more, just like I always do. After we finished Skyping, I had scheduled him a flight for two days from now to come to Florida. I shut off my computer and went into the kitchen. Damn, I really needed to clean before Felix gets here.

Miscellanious objects were scattered everywhere, and I needed to get started. Even if it took me all night. Starting in the living room, I organized all my video games and consoles, picked up dirty clothes, and also picked up a few cat toys that my cat left around. After the living room was the kitchen, the bedroom, and then the guest bedroom. I had a lot to do. Hmm, I wonder what Felix is doing right now. Probably sleeping, it was late for him, but it was only 8:45 here. 



I woke up about an hour later from a nightmare. The sweat was rapidly running off of my forehead, and my ears seemed to pick up every small noise from around me. I pressured myself to get up and go into the kitchen. 'Maybe a glass of water will make me feel better, and I can sleep again.' I thought to myself. As I sauntered to the small kitchen, I grabbed a clear glass and filled it with some ice water. After I drank it all, I went back into my bedroom and laid down.

I shut my eyes once more, and still couldn't sleep. My black suitcase was placed to the side of my room, and I decided to go pack. I threw the suitcase onto my messy bed and turned the light on. Everything that I owned that could be taken with me, I packed. Some things were left out, but maybe Marzia would come back to get them. Afterall, they were some of her possessions anyway. My computer was just about the only thing left that I hadn't packed. It seemed to be sitting there, coaxing me to come back to it. I gave in and sat down in my computer chair, opening the lid to my laptop. I saw a new Skype message, from Cry. It was only a couple of minutes ago, so I wasn't too tardy to a reply. 

"Are you awake, friend? I wasn't sure if you were, since your time zone is messed up." It had read. I typed back as fast as my gaunt fingers could drift across the keyboard.

"Yep. Couldn't sleep, so I decided to pack." I replied, and he read it within a few minutes.

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

I had finally finished cleaning the disaster that I called my home, and decided to Skype Felix to see if he was awake. He had answered within a few minutes after, and he seemed to type back fast. I blushed without realizing, and asked if we could video chat. Before I could even see his reply, I got a call from him. It took a minute to hook up, but his face filled my screen soon enough. He smiled and he looked very sleep deprived.

"Hey Cry! What's wrong?" He said, while furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

I looked very confused, and said, "What are you talking about, Felix? I'm fine!"

"Your cheeks are totally red and you seem nervous. Are you sure you're okay?" Felix had asked.

I nodded and forced the blush to go away. I politely returned the favor, to see if he was okay. He seemed very uncomfortable and fidgety today. Felix looked down, nodded, and looked back up. I loved looking into his crystal blue, sparkling eyes. I really just wish that I could tell him how much I loved him. I guess that it could wait a few days, when I actually see him in person.

-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

After he asked me if I was okay, it was silent for a moment. I glanced at my watch, looking to see how much time had passed by. He had finally said something to break the silence.

"So, are you done packing? By the way, your flight leaves at 3:00." He said, while looking up. I really wish that he could show me his real face, without the mask. He seemed so, perfect and gorgeous... 

I shook out of my trance and eventually replied with "Yeah, it only took me a few minutes to get everything packed and ready. Besides my laptop, computer, and other electronic things." It  looked like he smiled, but I couldn't tell because of his mask. The mask seemed very unnecessary for him to wear it, but I didn't want to be a bother, come off as ignorant or rude, and ask him why he had it on. Cry seemed to have a long story behind it, and it seemed as if it was very personal. Cry looked very tired, and I was starting to doze off also. We said our goodbyes and I found my way to my bed. The suitcase was left open, and I just lightly placed it on the floor, knowing I was going to pack my electronics tomorrow. My eyes started to close and I fell asleep even before my head had hit the feathery white pillow.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now