Chapter 21.

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(ohmygod please don't hate me for this. D: )

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

While we were driving home, I saw Lily walking across the street. I thought she looked familiar, since I only saw her from a distance. A couple feet away was a red, rusted car heading full speed for her. The driver didn't seem to notice her, and he just swerved back and forth. Time slowed, and everything froze for a second, just the car seemed to be moving. The car and another car smashed  together, but with Lily in the middle. Both Felix and I couldn't blink. People jumped out of their cars, including myself. Felix passed out, most likely from being too shocked to see what had happened.

The man driving the red car stumbled out of the drivers seat to look at his car. Why was he oblivious to Lily? Anger took control of me as I shoved him onto the ground. Others called the police and an ambulance, almost screaming.  Before I could choke the drunken man with my bare hands, someone pulled me back. Their strong embrace was too tight that I couldn't escape it. I thrashed myself away, trying to get to him. 

"You killed an innocent girl! I hope you burn in hell like the rest of your family should!" I screamed, being pulled away and back into the car. 

My anger was boiling over the edge, thinking of the accident. Police rushed in, observing what had happened. Ambulance carried her lifeless body onto a stretcher and tears flooded my eyes. My knuckles started to throb as I slammed them against the dashboard with full strength. Felix woke up, and he could hear one of my hands break. Fan-fucking-tastic. 

-Pewds/Felix P.O.V- 

After blacking out, I woke up again. Cry was out of the car, and he seemed to be throwing the convicted driver to the ground. Getting out of the car, I ran behind him and pulled him away. He thrashed around, trying to almost kill the man.

"You killed an innocent girl! I hope you burn in hell like the rest of your family should!" He screamed, people watching the police pull in shortly after. 

When we were back in the car, they took Lily and everything else away from the accident. Cry slammed his knuckles against the dashboard with all of his strength. Tears started to flood out of his eyes, and I heard his whole left hand just crack. It was obviously broken, so I took him over to the ambulance. They told us it was broken, and that they could probably fix it at the hospital. For Cry, I drove all the way to the emergency room, as far away from the accident as possible.

(So idk how to write the hospital scene. The hospital took about 45 minutes to observe it, asdfghjkl; Cry got a black cast for his hand, blah blah blah, you know how it goes. He broke his left hand, btw.)

I pulled into the driveway and Cry immediately got out of the car. I cringed as I heard the door slam, and him stomping into the house. I was really worried about him, so I followed him after. 

"I'm gonna fucking find that man and kill him. He deserves to burn in hell!" I heard Cry scream, and I snuck behind him and hugged him.

He took my embrace and started to cry. I cried along with him, knowing about the accident. Why does it have to end like that for her? Even if we knew her for like ten minutes, she meant a lot to us. After a while, Cry just went to lay on the couch, falling asleep soon after. I covered him up, kissing his forehead. I hope he sleeps okay, with no nightmares at all. To make sure he would be alright, I slept next to him. Just in case, of course.

( A/N::  ;-; I CAN'T EVEN. THIS WAS SO SAD MAN. I'm sorry. asdfghjkl; don't hate meee. c: I love you guys tho. Thanks for almost 2,000 reads!)

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now