(REWRITE) Chapter 3.

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663-720 words 

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V- 

I awoke with the sun shining brightly in my eyes, almost blinding me. The clock sitting on my side table  read 10:45. How can I wake up this late? I never woke up this late when Mar- wait, no. I held back the tears and moved on with my day. I shoved my computer and monitor into a seperate suitcase, knowing that my other one was full. I had unzipped the second suitcase and gently placed my electronics in there. I had covered them up with a small, soft brown woolen blanket and put my laptop in its carrying case. My clothes were neatly folded in the first suitcase, and I found my favorite outfit to wear. I really wanted to impress Cry, since it was my first time seeing him in person. I found myself in a trance, daydreaming about Ryan and how perfect he was.... and my phone rings as soon as my thoughts were getting deep. Marzia was calling. Wait, Marzia was calling me?! I cautiously hit "Answer" and held it up to my ear.

"Um, hello?" I said, hearing no background noise at all.

"Hey, I was calling to apologize about yesterday. I overreacted and I didn't mean what I said. Do you think we can get back together? I really miss you." She had said. Her talking was coming out rapidly, almost sounding forced or like she was anxious. Even her accent was sounding off.

"I'm very sorry Marzia, but I can't. I'm trying to move on and I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry." I had stumbled out, the words running out of my mouth like water. I hung up as soon as possible and backed up against the wall. I slid slowly down the wall and hugged my knees. All of a sudden, I felt a random burst of anger rush through my body.

I threw my phone at the wall with such force, it shattered the screen. Small shards of glass were scattered upon the hardwood floor, joining the small bits and pieces of electronic squares from the inside. Every piece seemed to fall out, and the tears came pouring out of my eyes. I've never been so angry before, and I don't even know why I was so angry! I grabbed the laptop from my bed and got on Skype. Cry wasn't online, but I just needed to tell him what had happened. 

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

I decided to take a break from my computer, and I made up my mind to walk to the grocery store. The grocery store wasn't far, and I had only needed a few things. Since Felix was coming, I chose to actually make proper dinners, instead of turkey sandwiches everyday. The store seemed to have mismatched colors on the front, and I just shrugged it off. Not everything can be perfect, like everyone had expected it to be. When I made my way into the store, it was way too crowded for my liking. Nobody seemed to be very considerate today either, so I put my head down as I walked through the store. Everyone seemed to give me dirty looks for wearing my mask. I can feel everyones eyes on me, like I was a freak.

The kids started to whisper about me, asking why I was wearing a weird looking, boring mask. I couldn't take it anymore, and sadness started to flood over me. My pace was accelerating, picking out what I needed and hurrying to pay and leave. I was fully running by the time I was finished and out of the store. I checked the time, which read 12:30. Why was time flying so fast? After I got home, I turned my computer on. Pewds had sent me a message on Skype almost an hour ago. The message was about his anger, and it was almost very confusing. He broke his phone by throwing it at a wall, but why? He didn't seem to tell me why, and I became very perplexed. I typed back quite slowly, trying to give advice and help him out. I told him that I would try to help out as much as I could. It will probably be a lot easier when he comes here, so we can talk in person.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now