Chapter 32.

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- Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

I checked the time after we finished cleaning, realizing that it was after lunchtime. Nathan had talked to our mom about visiting, and she had just shrugged it off like it was nothing. Felix was getting ready to leave as I slipped on my converse, barely attempting to tie the laces. The car keys jingled in my front pocket, waiting impatiently to leave. The directions to my moms house were organized in my head while Felix slipped out the front door.

I made sure to text Nathan, just to notify him that we were on the way. Felix and I talked about telling Nate of our relationship and how we would tell him. Since the drive was fairly close to my house, Pewds sat in the backseat. I pulled into the driveway, staring at the plain brick house. Nathan sat at the doorstep, a small suitcase next to him. When Nate recognized me, he jumped from his place and ran towards my car.

- Nathan P.O.V-

When I saw Ryan, I leaped from my spot and ran towards the car he was in. I noticed one of his friends in the backseat looking a little nervous. My eyes wandered to where I could see Ryan standing in front of me, automatically bringing me into a hug. I smiled as I saw my brother once again for the first time in a year or so. Our family was falling apart, and I understood why he moved out and stuff.

Ry grabbed my suitcase from the steps, also peeking his head in the door to say hello. After walking out from the house and putting my suitcase in the trunk of his car, I hopped into the passenger seat and said hello to his friend. He stayed silent for a few seconds before saying hello back.

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

It seemed as if my whole body couldn't process what was going on. I couldn't speak up to Nate after he was reunited with Cry. I was also a bit anxious of how he was going to find out about the whole relationship. After Nathan got in the car, we exchanged a greeting towards each other and Ry backed out of the driveway. In the rear view mirror, I saw Cry smirk to me and look away in a flash.

Letting them both catch up, I watched as they got along and talked like there was no tomorrow. Nathan discussed his life back home, and Cry had just started to talk about how his life was going. The next few words that came from his mouth surprised me a bit.

"By the way, that is my boyfriend Felix." he said, plainly.

- Nathan P.O.V (again c:) -

Wait, so Ryan was bisexual? I am a little shocked, but still happy for him. I never would've thought that my brother would turn out to either be gay or bi. I have nothing against it, its just a little shocking. To reply, I just simply nodded and looked back at him. He gave me a warm smile that almost seemed worried. I just flashed him a thumbs up, then noticing that we were back at Ryan's house.

When I walked into the house, it was almost a little too big compared to my regular house. After setting my suitcase down, I roamed the hallways a bit before hearing Ry and Felix come into the house. For some odd reason, Felix had called my brother by the name Cry, so I guess that's another name I could call him. Before I forgot, I went up to Cry and first did our secret handshakes, and then started to sing the TNT song with him like we did when we played Worms.

- Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

After telling Nate about the relationship, he seemed really happy about it. We found our way home a little quicker than usual, stopping and parking in the small driveway. Nathan practically ran into the house, taking his suitcase from the trunk. I helped Felix get out and into the house, even though I knew he was just very nervous.

I got inside, seeing Nat just wondering around the house. He swiftly walked up to me, automatically doing our secret handshake. Felix walked into the house a few seconds after we had started singing the TNT song. Maybe my brother is a lot cooler than I thought he was. I smiled to myself as Felix and him both sat on the couch afterwards, turning on the Xbox and talking about video games. Good thing they're not fighting. Watching from a distance, the feeling of them getting along so easily made me happy. I started to walk into the kitchen, ready to make snacks for all of us.

Minutes later, after retrieving snacks, I sat down next to Nate and watched as he kicked Felix's butt in the Worms game. They kept playing for an hour or so, eating and occasionally talking to me. I was very glad they were getting along instead of fighting.

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