Chapter 13.

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- Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

After editing all of the videos, getting them uploaded, and having everything done, it was already 1:00 p.m. My stomach started to growl again, and I was having a huge craving for pizza. I thought of a place to find food and mentioned it to Felix.

"Hey Felix, would you mind picking up some pizza?" I asked, looking over at him.

He nodded and we called in the order. Before he left, I called out, "Hurry back, friend! My tummy is growling like a ferocious beast!" and he was gone. 

To pass the time, I turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels, I found cartoons. Living the good childhood I never had, I watched cartoons for twenty minutes. The door burst open, and Felix had a box of pizza in his hands. He placed two piece on a plate for me, and put it in my hands. We sat together, watching cartoons like small kids. One of my creative thoughts popped into my mind, thinking of Felix. 

"Hey Felix, do you think we should make a video for your channel? I mean, you haven't posted in a few days. It could be the same livestream video announcement like I always do!" I said, accompanied with a smile. 

He nodded and went to retrieve his laptop. I watched as he set up a video, talking into his headset. He seemed very excited to tell our fans about us. After the video was complete, he excused himself and came back moments later with my laptop and my headset. Only 9 more hours until we can tell the fans.

It was finally time to start the livestream. 

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

Before I knew it, the time has come for the livestream. Cry was fixing it, while I stared at his beautiful face. My computer was set up, so I could watch the comments while we were streaming. The games were sprawled out in front of us, each one in order placed in there smooth, black cases. The livestream was finally going, and we started to play games. The big secret was gonna be out towards the middle of the stream. To be honest, I was very nervous on how the fans would react. Shaking it off, I just remembered that I was happy, so they would be happy too. Ryan held my hand, knowing there was no facecam. 

After about two hours, we decided to tell them. We stopped playing for a bit and thats when we engaged into deep conversation. 

"So Cry, didn't we have a secret to tell?" I said, looking at him in the process. And that was when.....

The livestream crashed, and didn't function anymore.

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V- 

After a few games, that was when we had agreed on telling the fans. We played two games for two hours, and then shut off the games.

Pewds had said to me, "So, Cry, didn't we have a secret to tell?" He glanced over at me, queezing my hand for reassurance. That was when...

The livestream crashed. 

I slammed my computer shut and went to my room.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now