Chapter 7.

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- Cry/Ryan P.O.V -

The clock ticked on and on, until it was time to make the Cry and Pewds Read video. 11:11 P.M, time to get going. We plugged in our Razer headsets and pressed record.

"H-h-hows it goin bros? My name, is Peeewwdiepie!" Felix said, doing his intro like he always did. I did my usual intro, and we got to reading. 

* Skip reading. * 

The video didn't take us long as we thought, so we read another Creepypasta. After scrolling through and just talking to ourselves, I found a few I liked. I chose the original Jeff the Killer story, knowing that almost everyone has heard it. 

After the reading video, we decided to get right to editing it. The video lasted about 11 minutes long, considering we had to find the other story. Even thinking about either of them gave me chills down my spine. The worst part was, they weren't that scary either. The stories didn't seem to have much of an effect on Felix, so it made me feel like a pansy. I didn't get this scared often, considering that I played a lot of horror games before. Pewds was watching the video render and upload, making sure that it didn't stop or anything. He must've seen my goosebumps, because he furrowed his brows quickly.

"Whats wrong Cry?" He asked, sounding very polite and worried.

"Oh, those stories just creeped me out a bit, thats all." I replied, trying not to sound as terrified as I was. He looked back at the screen and I could tell he was just about to ask me another question.

As if it were on queue, my phone rang with my notification tone, reminding me of a text. Scott had texted me, asking if we were doing a livestream tonight. Surprisingly, I wasn't up for one. I quickly responded with a "No." and turned my phone off. Bored as heck, I watched Felix slowly stand up away from the screen and unzip his suitcases. Probably unpacking, and I generously asked to help him.

"Need any help over there? Seems like you have a lot to unpack." I asked, while spinning around in my white computer chair. He generously turned down the offer and he got to sorting his clothes.

Another storm rolled in, considering I heard loud booms of thunder outside. I ran across the hall into my room, and jumped onto my bed. I attempted to block out the noise with my pillows, yet I failed. I never knew thunder could scare a person this much. My body started to shake, and I let out a small yelp.

-Pewds/ Felix P.O.V -

While waiting for the video to upload, I decided to unpack a little. It seemed to look a little stormy, but it was probably because it was midnight here. 

"Need any help over there? Seems like you have a lot to unpack." Cry asked me, and I generously said no. I didn't want him to do my work for me, considering it was HIS house. Maybe I was right about the storm, since I heard the loud thunder outside. Cry soon bolted up and ran into his room. After a few seconds, I heard him let out a small yelp. I ran across the hall to see if he was okay.

He was lying in his bed, trying to block out any noise. I soon looked at him and sat next to him. Cry was shaking quite a bit, and I figured out quite fast how he had a huge fear of thunder. I laid next to him, making sure once again if he was okay. He stopped shaking and he seemed a lot better.

I got up to finish unpacking, and Cry just played games on his phone. The storm continued but Cry was okay, since he knew that I was just in the other room. I finished hanging up my clothes and putting the remaining of clothes into the small black dresser. The storm raged on, and I went to go check on Cry. That was when....

A/N; Don't hate cause the cliffhanger. c: Sorrryy. Working on the next chapter, maybe. :3 

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