Chapter 20.

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- Pewds/Felix P.O.V -

I heard Cry rapidly clicking away on his computer. When I walked in, he sighed of relief.

"Whatcha doin, Ry?" I asked, seeming anxious on what he was doing.

"Oh ya know, just lookin through my computer. Deleting some stuff." He said, very nervous and scared.

We discussed a few things for a while, deciding to go to the city. Him and I both got dressed, said goodbye to Blaze, and walked out the door. The car unlocked and I stepped into the drivers seat. Closing the doors and starting the car, I drove downtown. Cry pointed out a sign leading to a huge amusement park, begging and pleading to go there. Giving in, I took the road that led to the park. The place didn't seem so crowded, so I parked in a front row space. We exited the car and grabbed each others hands. After paying, Cry led me to a gigantic roller coaster with a short line. God damnit Cry. I really wanted to ride the rides with him, but just one problem.

I seriously, with a passion, a very unexplainable passion, hate roller coasters.

My palms started to sweat as we approached the cars. Cry gave me a reassuring squeeze and we climbed into the separate car together. We had the end seat, so he just put his hands over mine. He definitely noticed my fear, telling by his facial expression. The cars started to move, and I lost a little bit of fear.

It started out slow, and got faster towards the end. I was so happy to actually ride this ride, instead of being a pansy and not going. Cry and I walked around a bit, running into a few fans. The fans seemed to back off a little, knowing how we were together and all. We rode a few more rides, including another roller coaster, a ferris wheel, and bumper cars.

*After the riding of rides and such. *

Noticing the sun was about to set, we went back into the parking lot. We packed into the car and made our way back to the house. The roads seemed to be longer than usual, and time started to go slow.

The next events flashed before my eyes. There was Lily, walking across the street. At full speed, a car came driving down the road. Oblivious to the small girl, he sped down the road even faster. Pulling over just in time, I saw her innocent face one more time.

Just before she was rammed in between two cars, causing every small thing to stop. Time slowed, and I couldn't blink. Cry seemed so shocked that he almost passed out.

Lily. The innocent little girl. She was killed before my eyes. And thats when I blacked out.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now