(Rewritten) Chapter 38 - FINAL.

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Edit 1/16/14; This chapter is pretty bad, so I'm gonna rewrite it. Yeah. Here, take it.

Edit 12/03/14: To probably get the full experience, I would listen to Best of Me by A Day To Remember while reading this.

~2 weeks later.~


We maintained a happy relationship ever since the one incident. Everything was going okay.

Until now. 

Cry got pissed at me, but for absolutely no reason at all. I went to a party the other night to hang out with some of my other friends, but I didn't take Cry along with me. I came back at about three in the morning, smelling of alcohol and sweat. I had passed out in the living room and didn't say a word to Cry. The next morning, he was enraged.

"Felix. Why did you come home so late? I thought you said you were going to be back earlier? You reeked of alcohol. You could've died driving on the way home!" he yelled. At this point, I was done trying. I had a raging headache from my hangover and he was stressing me out. Why couldn't I just have my space for once?

"Well Ryan, why do you even care?!" I shouted back. I'm pretty sure our neighbors could hear us by now. "Because Felix! You had me worried SICK! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE YOU WERE!" he screamed. His face was entirely red and I could see the anger in his eyes. Damn, why was he so pissed? Its not like I was doing anything terrible.

"You wanna know why I was gone for so long? I wanted a break from your CLINGY ASS! I NEEDED SPACE! JESUS RYAN, WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?" I slurred, along with throwing something across the room. Cry stopped. His arms fell to his sides, his face losing color. The room quickly fell silent as we  both stood there.

"So thats how it is, huh? You need space, right? Well, I will give you space now." he mumbled, the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He slowly turned around, and simply walked into the bedroom and lightly closed the door. Oh no, I really fucked up, didn't I? I ran into the hallway and tried to open the door. Dammit, it was locked. "Ryan, please, I swear I didn't mean it. I understand what you mean now. I'm very sorry. Cry, are you okay?" I said, still holding onto the door handle. No reply. What was he doing in there? Oh no. Please, no.

- Cry P.o.V-

I quickly locked the door behind me and ran to the desk in the room. I rummaged through all the drawers until I found what I needed. Perfect. A razor blade, a notebook, and an inkball pen. The tears spilled over my eyes, dripping onto the paper. If space is what Felix wants, its just what he is going to get. 


A few thin cuts across my wrist helped ease the pain for a while. Blood dripped slowly onto my jeans, but I didn't care. I was worried about him, why doesn't he understand? Slowly, I picked up the pen and began to write my letter.

Dear Felix,

Well, here is your space. I will be leaving now. I hope you enjoy the time without me, I'm sure it will be peaceful. It is all my fault anyways. I was worried about you though, and that is all. I wish you would''ve told me where you were. Sorry for being such a bother.

P.S - Do you remember September? 

I left the paper on the desk and continued to pack my things. I don't really need anything though, do I? I found my mask and safely put it over my face again. I somehow began to feel safe once more. The mask was the only thing that I had left. Before leaving, I called my mom and told her that I needed to come over. This was only to say goodbye to her and Nathan. I could hear Felix softly talking from the other end of the door, yet I didn't care. Maybe I was overreacting, sure, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I slid the razorblade into my hand, seeing the side saying "till death do us part." on it. Before opening the door, I took a deep breath. Am I really going to say goodbye, or can I just avoid him for the rest of my life? Is that even possible? Questions swam through my mind as I pulled the door open. There stood Pewds, sobbing quietly and looking at the door the whole time. I ran past him before he could say anything.

He stopped me right in my tracks, tugging on my shirt. I turned to him with no expression on my face at all. The mask covered my face, so he really couldn't see anything. "Cry, I'm sorry. I really am." he mumbled, holding onto my shoulder. I jerked my shoulder away from him swiftly. "Just a little too late, don't ya think? Cheating MULTIPLE times, and then screaming at me that you need space? And NOW you are apologizing?" I yelled. My turn to scream louder. "Who do you think you are, Ryan?" he said.

And for the first time in history, he hit me. Right on the side of my face. It immediately stung. 

No, no, no. This will not happen again. I ran out into the yard, jumping into the car and driving off within seconds. I will never let ANYONE hit me again. I was speeding down the road, finding the nearest place where Felix can't find me. The car speakers blasted A Day To Remember as I found my way into an apartment complex. Back to Junds place, I guess. Not paying attention, I almost got hit by another car. I continued to speed down the road and then slammed on the brakes by the apartments. I found Jund, and I stayed at his place. 

I felt safe with him, but something was off. 

-Pewds p.o.v - (short)

I never heard from him again. I found his note a few hours after that, and I read it over and over. It has been three weeks since Cry left. And God, do I miss him. Everything was an accident, hitting him and everything. Anger got the best of me... along with the alcohol. Why does everything go wrong?Depression has overcome me since the minute he left. To the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I can't live without him. 

- Cry POV-

The phone started to ring loudly throughout the apartment. I quickly paused my video game and grabbed the phone, not even checking to see who it was. 

"Hello?" I said. The next voice shocked me.

"Ryan...I can't take this anymore.. I'm sorry Ryan.. This is goodbye. I love you.." 

It was Felix.

He hung up and I rushed out of the apartment, sprinting to my old house. No, don't do this to me, Pewds. My heart pounded as I kept running. He can't kill himself, no. I made it to the house in only a few minutes, and I busted through the door. Down the hallway, I heard Felix sobbing. Swiftly I was down the corridor and into our old bedroom. 

(possible trigger warning!)

I couldn't believe my eyes. Felix was propped against the wall, blood spilling from his wrists while his face was losing color. Tears automatically spilled from my eyes and I rushed over to him. No, no, no. This can't be happening. It's all my fault.

"No! Felix! Stay with me!" I sobbed, taking my shirt off to clean up his wrist.

But it was too late. The blood loss was far too much for me to stop it from bleeding. Felix gave me a sad smile before pulling me close one last time. I sobbed harder and harder every moment. I called the ambulance and held Felix in my arms.

"I love you... Cry. " he muttered, right before his eyes closed.

911, what is your emergency?

It was too late. 

He was gone.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now