Chapter 31.

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-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

I silently locked myself in our room once again, waiting for Felix to come back. I smiled to myself, eating quietly. After a few minutes, I had finished my cereal and was ready to head back out. My body straightened out, standing from the door and twisting the knob. Right before was Felix, holding a big can of whipped cream. Before I could react, it was sprayed all over my face and down my chest.

Felix started to laugh as he dropped the can onto the ground and ran away. I ran after him down the hallway and into the living room where he was laying on the couch nonchalantly. My body smashed against his, leaving whipped cream lathered onto his body. Felix slowly traced his finger on the whipped cream, licking it from my face. His eyes were filled with happiness, along with a trace of love. I kissed him fully on the lips, still a little whipped cream forming onto his face. My cheeks turned a dark crimson as he cupped my face into his strong hands.

My body was still pressed against his as the kiss deepened a little farther. Felix softly bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Before he could get what he wanted, I just pulled away and wiped the leftover cream onto his face. Felix just sat up, calling Blaze over to him as she immediately licked the sweet cream off. It was almost 10, and I was actually a little bored. Maybe Felix and I can actually go somewhere without any interruptions. But I guess video games sound a little more entertaining to both of us.

"Would you like to join me on an epic quest to make a gaming video to post on a social networking site?" I asked, sounding a bit fancy with my word choice.

"Of course! I would never decline an offer like that, friend." Felix replied, smiling.

We marched to our computers, already choosing to play Left 4 Dead 2. My body landed on the soft computer chair, Pewds joining me shortly after. My desk was now a bit cramped, holding Felix's computer along with mine. The game had started, us both joining the co-op mode on the game. We decided to play for a few hours, getting a bit lost in the game.

I smiled to myself as I chose to play Worms: Reloaded with Felix, knowing he hasn't played it at all. My brother Nathan played it with me, kicking my ass in every round. Maybe Felix can finally meet my family, knowing he wanted to see how wonderful my 'family' was. Before we started to play, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him from his computer.

"Felix? How about we go visit my brother sometime this month?" I whispered.

"Really? I'd love to meet him! Maybe we can go in a few days?" he replied, adding excitement more and more to every word.

I nodded, starting to get excited. My cell phone was placed next to my computer, tempting me to give Nathan a call. I realized that I hadn't told my family about my relationship, and I knew that my little brother would understand. The screen from the game was paused, and I picked up my phone.

After a few rings, Nathan picked up, hearing a bunch of raspy noise in the background. Ever since I left, the fighting with my parents as been apparently a lot worse.

"Hello?" Nathan said.

"Yo bro! What's going on?" I said, hearing him gasp.

"Ryan! I'm so glad you called! Mom and that one guy are fighting again." he said, obviously showing a little disappointment.

"That sucks man, but I think I got something that will cheer you up." I said.

"What is it?"

"How'd you like to meet Felix and I up here, at my house?"

I heard him gasp, and both Felix and I smiled.

"Yeah! When can I come visit?"

"Well its up to Felix, but if you'd like I guess we can get you in a few hours to stay for a day or two." I replied, laughing.

We discussed it a while longer, talking about when to get him. My smile grew wider, knowing that I get to see my brother for the first time in a while. Felix went into the other room to clear out the things from when he first came, myself following shortly after. Clearing out the stuff, I planted a kiss on Felix's cheek and cleaned a little more. I finally get to see my brother again.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now